| Class | Description |
| Action | Provides the base implementation for the IAction interface and implements basic logic for all GcMultiRow actions. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| ActionList | Represents a list of IActions; each action in the list is executed one by one. |
| AppearanceActionBase | Represents a special CellValidateAction implementation that displays UI elements on the validating Cell. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| AutoFilterToolStripItem | Represents the auto generated items in HeaderDropDownContextMenu. |
| Border | Represents a rectangular border. The class stores four Line objects for each side and two Line objects for the diagonal. |
| BorderBase | Defines the base class for borders of a Cell or a Section. This is an abstract base class of Border, RoundedBorder, and ThreeDBorder. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| ButtonCell | Represents a Cell that displays a button-like user interface (UI) which can be used in the GcMultiRow control. |
| ButtonCellBase | Represents a special Cell that looks like a button. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| ButtonCommandContext | Represents the executing context of IButtonCommand. |
| CalculationContext | Represents a context state when calculating in GcMultiRow. |
| Cell | Represents an individual cell in a GcMultiRow control. |
| CellAutoFitPreferredSizeNeededEventArgs | Provides data for GcMultiRow.CellAutoFitPreferredSizeNeeded event. |
| CellBeginEditEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.CellBeginEdit event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| CellCancelEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.RowValidating event. |
| CellCollection | Represents a collection of cells in a Section. |
| CellContextMenuStripNeededEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.CellContextMenuStripNeeded event. |
| CellEditedFormattedValueChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.CellEditedFormattedValueChanged event. |
| CellEndEditEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.CellEndEdit event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| CellErrorTextNeededEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.CellErrorTextNeeded event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| CellEventArgs | Provides data for the cell related events. |
| CellFormattingEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.CellFormatting event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| CellKeyEventArgs | Provides data for the keyboard related events of the GcMultiRow control. |
| CellKeyPressEventArgs | Provides data for the System.Windows.Forms.Control.KeyPress event raised by a GcMultiRow control whenever a key is pressed while the focus is on a Cell. |
| CellMouseEventArgs | Provides data for relative mouse events. |
| CellMoveEventArgs | Provides data for some events, which occur when the current cell is changed. |
| CellNote | Represents a Cell note, and the note's appearance can be customized. |
| CellNoteEditingControl | Represents the hosted System.Windows.Forms.TextBox control in a CellNote. |
| CellNoteStyle | Represents the formatting and style information applied to a CellNote. |
| CellPaintingEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.CellPainting event of a GcMultiRow control. |
| CellParsingEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.CellParsing event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| CellResizeCompletingEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.CellResizeCompleting event. |
| CellStyle | Represents the formatting and style information applied to individual cells within a GcMultiRow control. |
| CellStyleCollection | Represents a collection of CellStyles. This class cannot be inherited. |
| CellStyleContentChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.CellStyleContentChanged event. |
| CellStyleNotify | Represents a special AppearanceActionBase that displays the InvalidCellStyle on the validating Cell if the validation fails. |
| CellToolTipTextNeededEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.CellToolTipTextNeeded event of a GcMultiRow control. |
| CellTouchToolBarNeededEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.CellTouchToolBarNeeded event. |
| CellValidateAction | Provides the capability to execute certain actions if a Cell value fails to validate. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| CellValidateInfoNeededEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.CellValidateInfoNeeded event. |
| CellValidatingEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.CellValidating event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| CellValidator | Validates a Cell value according to specified conditions, and performs a CellValidateAction when the validation fails. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| CellValueEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.CellValueNeeded and GcMultiRow.CellValuePushed events of the GcMultiRow control. |
| CheckBoxCell | Represents a Cell that displays a check box user interface (UI) to use in the GcMultiRow control. |
| ClipboardOperationEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.ClipboardOperating event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| Column | Represents a column with same cell index in GcMultiRow's row section. |
| ColumnCollection | Represents a collection of columns in a GcMultiRow. |
| ColumnEventArgs | Provides data for the column-related events of the GcMultiRow control. |
| ColumnFooterSection | Represents a section in the bottom panel of a GcMultiRow control. |
| ColumnFooterSectionCollection | Represents a ColumnFooterSection collection. |
| ColumnHeaderCell | Represents a Cell that can be used to perform sort and filter operations in addition to the functions provided by HeaderCell. |
| ColumnHeaderSection | Represents a section in the top panel of a GcMultiRow control. |
| ColumnHeaderSectionCollection | Represents a ColumnHeaderSection collection. |
| CombinedCellStyle | Represents a special CellStyle that combines several cell style effects to generate a new CellStyle object. This class cannot be inherited. |
| ComboBoxCell | Represents a Cell that displays a combo box user interface in a GcMultiRow control. |
| ComboBoxCell.ObjectCollection | Represents the collection of selection choices in a ComboBoxCell. |
| ComboBoxEditingControl | Represents the hosted combo box control in a ComboBoxCell class. |
| CompareCellValidator | Represents a special CompareValueBaseValidator that validates whether the specified value and target Cell's value meet the given comparison criteria. |
| CompareStringValidator | Represents a special CompareStringValidator that validates that the specified value matches the compared string using the CompareStringValidatorOperator. |
| CompareValueBaseValidator | Represents a special CellValidator implementation that validates whether the specified and compared values satisfy the given comparison relationship. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| CompareValueValidator | Represents a special CompareValueBaseValidator that validates whether the specified value and the ComparedValue meet the given comparison criteria. |
| ComponentActions | Each property in the SelectionActions class is an IAction interface that is an action related to GcMultiRow's focus management. This is a %[LangWord]static class% and so cannot be inherited or instantiated. |
| ConditionalCellStyle | Represents a special CellStyle that can customize the style using the specified condition. This class cannot be inherited. |
| ConditionalCellStyleItem | Represents a condition that when matched by a Cell, applies the specified CellStyle to the Cell. |
| ConditionalCellStyleItemCollection | Represents the ConditionalCellStyleItem collection. This class cannot be inherited. |
| CornerHeaderCell | Represents a Cell that is used to select all the cells. |
| DataErrorEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.DataError event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| DateTimePickerCell | Represents a Cell that allows the user to select a date and a time and displays the date and time with a specified format. |
| DateTimePickerEditingControl | Represents the hosted date time picker control in a DateTimePickerCell. |
| DefaultTouchToolBar | Represents a default MultiRowTouchToolBar, which provides the cut, copy, paste, and clear items. |
| DomainUpDownCell | Represents a Cell that displays and sets a text string from a list of choices. The user can select the string by clicking up and down buttons to move through a list, by pressing the up and down arrow keys, or by typing a string that matches an item in the list. |
| DomainUpDownCell.ObjectCollection | Represents the collection of items in a DomainUpDownCell. |
| DomainUpDownEditingControl | Represents the hosted System.Windows.Forms.DomainUpDown control in a DomainUpDownCell. |
| DropDownAutoFilterItem | Represents the automatically generated items in HeaderDropDownList. This class cannot be inherited. |
| DropDownBlanksFilterItem | Represents a "Blanks" filter item in the HeaderDropDownList. |
| DropDownButtonImages | Represents a DropDownButtonImages that contains the images used to draw on dropdown button. |
| DropDownCustomFilterItem | Represents an item used for custom filter logic in HeaderDropDownList. |
| DropDownItem | Represents an item in the HeaderDropDownList class. |
| DropDownItemCollection | Represents a collection of DropDownItem objects for GcMultiRow. |
| DropDownItemNeededEventArgs | Provides data for the DropDownAutoFilterItem.DropDownItemNeeded event of the DropDownAutoFilterItem object. |
| DropDownNonBlanksFilterItem | Represents a "NonBlanks" item in HeaderDropDownList. |
| DropDownSeparatorItem | Represents a separator line in HeaderDropDownList. |
| DropDownShowAllFilterItem | Represents a "Show All" filter item in the HeaderDropDownList. |
| DropDownSortItem | Represents a "Sort Ascending" or "Sort Descending" item in the ColumnHeaderCell. |
| DynamicCellStyle | Represents a special CellStyle that is used to customize a CellStyle under the DynamicCellStyleContext class. |
| DynamicCellStyleContext | Provides context information for customizing a DynamicCellStyle object. |
| EditingActions | Each property in the SelectionActions class is an IAction interface that is the action related to GcMultiRow's editing. This is a %[LangWord]static class% and so cannot be inherited or instantiated. |
| EditingControlShowingEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.EditingControlShowing event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| EncodingValidator | Represents a special EncodingValidator that validates the text can be encoded by the specified encoding. |
| ExcludeListValidator | Represents a special CellValidator that validates whether the specified value does not exist in the given Candidates list. |
| Expression | Represents a special calculation capability, that treats an expression string as the calculation strategy and uses this strategy to calculate the corresponding result. This class cannot be inherited. |
| FilteringTextBoxCell | Represents a special TextBoxCell that supports filtering of the specified Cells in all Rows using a specified condition. |
| FilterTreeNode | Represents a FilterTreeNode. |
| FilterTreeNodeEntry | Represents a data package used to determine a FilterTreeNode. |
| FocusProcess | Represents a special CellValidateAction that keeps the focus on the validating Cell when validation fails. |
| FormActionButtonCommands | Represents a series of IButtonCommand actions related to printing GcMultiRow and closing System.Windows.Forms.Form. |
| GcMultiRow | Represents a System.Windows.Forms.Control that displays data in a customizable grid based on a free layout. |
| HeaderCell | Represents a Cell that is used to select and resize cells. |
| HeaderDropDownContextMenu | A HeaderDropDownContextMenu that can be used for filtering. |
| HeaderDropDownList | Represents a container of DropDownItems. It can be shown as a window when clicking the drop-down button of ColumnHeaderCell. |
| HitTestInfo | Contains information about part of the GcMultiRow control at a specified coordinate. This class cannot be inherited. |
| IconNotify | Represents a special AppearanceActionBase that displays an error icon for the validating Cell when validation fails. |
| ImageCell | Represents a Cell that displays an image in a GcMultiRow control. |
| IncludeListValidator | Represents a special CellValidator that validates whether the specified value exists in the given Candidates list. |
| LabelCell | Represents a Cell that is used to display read-only text. |
| LineNotify | Represents a special AppearanceActionBase that displays an underline in the validating Cell when validation fails. |
| LinkLabelCell | Represents a Cell that contains a hyperlink. |
| ListBoxCell | Represents a Cell that allows the user to select a single item from a list. |
| ListBoxCell.ObjectCollection | Represents the collection of selection choices in a ListBoxCell. |
| ListBoxEditingControl | Represents the hosted ListBox control in a ListBoxCell. |
| ListCell | Represents a Cell class that allows the user to select a single item from a list. |
| ListLabelCell | Represents a Cell that displays a list of objects in a bulleted format. |
| ListLabelCell.ObjectCollection | Represents the collection of selection choices in a ListLabelCell. |
| MaskedTextBoxCell | Represents a Cell that uses a mask to determine valid user input. |
| MaskedTextBoxEditingControl | Represents the hosted System.Windows.Forms.MaskedTextBox control in a MaskedTextBoxCell. |
| MathStatistics | Represents a special calculation capability, that calculates specified Cell values in all rows with the StatisticsType property. This class cannot be inherited. |
| MessageBoxNotify | Represents a special CellValidateAction that can display a message when cell validating fails. |
| MultiRowBindingCompleteEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.DataBindingComplete event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| MultiRowFlatButtonAppearance | Represents the appearance of the ButtonCell, CheckBoxCell, or other Cell that is similar to a button where the FlatStyle property is System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle.Flat. |
| MultiRowTouchToolBar | Represents the MultiRowTouchToolBar for GcMultiRow. |
| NamedCellStyle | Represents a special CellStyle that can define a cell style with the name. This class cannot be inherited. |
| NamedCellStyleDictionary | Represents a NamedCellStyle dictionary that stores CellStyleName/CellStyle pairs. This class cannot be inherited. |
| NamedObjectCollection<T> | Represents the strongly typed INamedObject object collection. |
| NavigationButtonCommands | Represents a series of IButtonCommand objects related to the navigation action. |
| NewCellPositionNeededEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.NewCellPositionNeeded event. |
| NewRowAlternateText | Indicates the alternate text and the text's style of new row when the new row is not current row. |
| NumericUpDownCell | Represents a Cell that allows the user to select or input numeric values and to display these values with a specified format. |
| NumericUpDownEditingControl | Represents the hosted System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown control in a NumericUpDownCell object. |
| OvalShapeRenderer | Represents a specific ShapeRenderer class that is used to paint an oval shape. |
| PairChar | Represents a character pair. |
| PairCharValidator | Represents a special CellValidator that validates whether the specifed value matches the given PairChars. |
| PentagonShapeRenderer | Represents a specific ShapeRenderer class that is used to paint a pentagon shape. |
| PopupCell | Represents a Cell that can display a customized System.Windows.Forms.CommonDialog or System.Windows.Forms.Form. You can edit the common dialog or form and, after that, the edited result is displayed in the PopupCell's text frame. |
| PopupEditingControl | Represents the hosted System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl control in a PopupCell, that displays a System.Windows.Forms.CommonDialog or System.Windows.Forms.Form to edit the value. |
| PrintInfoCell | Represents a Cell that displays current printing information when printing. |
| PrintSettings | Represents the printing settings. |
| ProgressBarCell | Represents a Cell that displays the progress state. |
| QueryCellMergeStateEventArgs | Provides data for GcMultiRow.QueryCellMergeState event. |
| RadioGroupCell | Represents a Cell that allows the user to select a single option from a group of choices. |
| RadioGroupCell.StringCollection | Represents the collection of items in a RadioGroupCell. |
| RangeValidator | Represents a special CellValidator that validates whether the specified value is between the range specified by MinValue and MaxValue. |
| RectangleShapeRenderer | Represents a specific ShapeRenderer class that used to paint a rectangle shape. |
| RegularExpressionValidator | Represents a special CellValidator that validates whether the specifed value matches the given regular expression. |
| RequiredFieldValidator | Represents a special CellValidator class that can validate whether the specified value is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). |
| RequiredTypeValidator | Represents a special CellValidator class that validates whether the specified value's System.Type is equal to the RequiredType. |
| ResizeTipTextNeededEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.ResizeTipTextNeeded event. |
| RichTextBoxCell | Represents a Cell that displays and edits rich text information in a GcMultiRow control. |
| RichTextBoxEditingControl | Represents a hosted System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox control that can be hosted in a RichTextBoxCell. |
| RoundedBorder | Represents a rounded corner rectangle border. The class stores four Line objects for each side and four Line objects for each corner. |
| RoundedRectangleShapeRenderer | Represents a specific ShapeRenderer class that is used to paint a rounded rectangle shape. |
| Row | Represents a row in the content area of a GcMultiRow control. |
| RowActionButtonCommands | Represents a series of IButtonCommand objects related to the row action. |
| RowCancelEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.UserDeletingRow event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| RowCollection | Represents a collection of Rows. |
| RowErrorTextNeededEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.RowErrorTextNeeded event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| RowEventArgs | Provides data for the row related events of the GcMultiRow control. |
| RowHeaderCell | Represents a Cell that can be used to show the indicator and error information of the owner Row in addition to the functions provided by the HeaderCell class. |
| RowsAddedEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow control GcMultiRow.RowsAdded event. |
| RowsAddingEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.RowsAdding event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| RowsRemovedEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.RowsRemoved event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| RowsRemovingEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.RowsRemoving event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| ScrollActions | Each property in the SelectionActions class is an IAction interface that is an action related to GcMultiRow's scrolling. This is a %[LangWord]static class% and so cannot be inherited or instantiated. |
| ScrollTipTextNeededEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.ScrollTipTextNeeded event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| Section | Represents a linear collection of elements in a GcMultiRow control. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| SectionContextMenuStripNeededEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.SectionContextMenuStripNeeded event. |
| SectionEventArgs | Provides data for the section-related events of the GcMultiRow control. |
| SectionPaintingEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.SectionPainting event of the GcMultiRow control. |
| SectionTouchToolBarNeededEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.SectionTouchToolBarNeeded event. |
| SelectedCellCollection | Represents a collection of cells that are selected in a GcMultiRow control. |
| SelectedRowCollection | Represents a collection of selected rows in a GcMultiRow control. |
| SelectionActions | Each property of the SelectionActions class is an IAction interface that is the action relative to GcMultiRow's selection. This is a %[LangWord]static class% and so cannot be inherited or instantiated. |
| ShapeCell | Represents a cell that can display a rich style and different shaped border. |
| ShapeRenderer | Provides a shape renderer that is used by ShapeCell to paint different shape borders and help ShapeCell clip its mouse message. This class is abstract (MustInherit in Visual Basic) and so cannot be instantiated. |
| ShortcutKeyManager | Represents a manager which manages all the ShortcutKey settings for the GcMultiRow control. |
| ShowAllToolStripItem | Represents a "Clear Filter" filter item in HeaderDropDownContextMenu. |
| SortCompareEventArgs | Provides data for the GcMultiRow.SortCompare event. |
| SortItem | Represents information about sorting. This class cannot be inherited. |
| SortToolStripItem | Represents a "Sort Ascending" or "Sort Descending" item in the HeaderDropDownContextMenu. |
| SoundNotify | Represents a special CellValidateAction that plays a specified system sound when validation fails. |
| SummaryCell | Represents a Cell that is used to display calculation or statistical results. |
| SurrogateCharValidator | Represents a special CellValidator that validates whether the specified value exists in surrogate characters. |
| Template | Represents the template for GcMultiRow. |
| TextBoxCell | Represents a Cell that displays editing text information in a GcMultiRow control. |
| TextBoxEditingControl | Represents the hosted System.Windows.Forms.TextBox control in a TextBoxCell. |
| TextLengthValidator | Represents a special TextLengthValidator that validates the length of the specified value in the given LengthUnit. |
| ThreeDBorder | Represents a three-dimensional border effect. This class stores a ThreeDEffect object and colors for the effect. This class cannot be inherited. |
| ThreeStateIconNotify | Represents a special CellValidateAction that can display a valid icon or invalid icon when cell validating succeeds or fails. |
| TipNotify | Represents a special CellValidateAction that shows a tool tip for the validating Cell when validation fails. |
| TouchToolBarButton | Represents a ToolStripButton for a touch device. |
| TrackBarCell | Represents a scrollable Cell that visually displays a range. |
| TrapezoidShapeRenderer | Represents a specific ShapeRenderer class that is used to paint a trapezoid shape. |
| ValidateActionCollection | Represents a CellValidateAction collection. |
| ValidateActionContext | Provides relative context information when the CellValidateAction executes. |
| ValidateContext | Provides relative context information in the CellValidator. |
| ValidatorCollection | Represents a CellValidator collection. |
| ValueProcess | Represents a special CellValidateAction that processes the value when validation failed. |