Color Scale 2
Color Scale 3
Data Bar
Data Visualizers
Get Started
Icon Set
Quick Guide to ActiveReports Web Designer
Range Bar
Range Bar Progress
Supported Controls
System Requirement
Tutorial 1: Create Static Report
Tutorial 2: Create Tabular Report
Tutorial 3: Create Parameterized Report
Tutorial 4.1: Master- Detail Report using Groups
Tutorial 4.2: Master-Detail Report using Subreport
Tutorial 4: Create Master-Detail Report
Tutorial 5.1: Create a Simple Pivot Report
Tutorial 5.2: Create a Complex Pivot Report
Tutorial 5.3: Create a Drill Down Report
Tutorial 5: Create Pivot Report
Tutorial 6.1: Create Simple Report with Chart
Tutorial 6.2: Create Report with Drill-through in Chart
Tutorial 6.3: Create a Dashboard Report
Tutorial 6: Create Report with Chart
Tutorial 7.1: Add a Shared Data Set
Tutorial 7.2: Add an Embedded Data Set
Tutorial 7.3: Add a Semantic Data Model
Tutorial 7: Different Ways to Connect to Data
Tutorial 8: Apply Styles and Themes
Using Expression Editor
Using Templates