Web Designer
Tutorial 1: Create Static Report
Get Started > Tutorial 1: Create Static Report

A static report contains static data, that is, the data is not bound to any data source.

What You Will Learn

This tutorial guides you through the steps to create a static report in ActiveReports Web Designer.

After you complete this tutorial, you will have a report that looks similar to the following.

Access the ActiveReports Web Designer

  1. On the ActiveReports Server Report Portal, click Create report. The ActiveReports Web Designer opens in a new browser tab.
  2. Select Blank Page Report template and then click Create Report.
    The Web Designer is now ready to design your reports.

Create a Report Layout

  1. On the design area of your report, drag and drop a TextBox control  from the left pane of the designer.        
  2. Click the text box to enter the text, for example, 'This is my first Static Report'. Resize the text box accordingly.

Customize the Appearance of the Static Report

  1. Click the design area of the report.
  2. To change the background color of the report, go to the Properties panel and set Background Color property to a shade of blue color from Swatches.
    You can also use Data Visualizers to fill background color. See Data Visualizers topic for more information.
  3. To change the look of text box in the report, select the text box and set the following properties.
    Property Value
    BACKGROUND - Color Green
    BORDER - Style Double
    BORDER - Width 3pt
    TEXT - Font Size 12pt
    TEXT - Font Family Comic Sans MS
    TEXT - Color DarkSeaGreen

Preview and Save Report

  1. Click Preview  to view the final output of your report. 
  2. Exit the preview mode by clicking Back on the left side of the designer.
  3. Switch to the File tab and click Save to open the Save dialog box. Enter the report name and click Save Report. You can also provide a description and a revision comment for the report.

The reports created in the ActiveReports Web Designer are saved in the ActiveReports Server Report Portal under 'No Category'.