A category is a keyword or a phrase used to help you organize your appointments. There are 20 predefined categories available in C1Schedule to assign to appointments. You can also use categories from a database or users can create their own custom categories at run time. Categories, which are stored in the CategoryCollection class, are optional, and an appointment can have one or more categories assigned to it.
Predefined Categories
The predefined categories include the following:
Category |
Index |
Business |
0 |
Competition |
1 |
Favorites |
2 |
Gifts |
3 |
Goals/Objectives |
4 |
Holiday |
5 |
Holiday Cards |
6 |
Hot Contacts |
7 |
Ideas |
8 |
International |
9 |
Key Customer |
10 |
Miscellaneous |
11 |
Personal |
12 |
Phone Calls |
13 |
Status |
14 |
Strategies |
15 |
Suppliers |
16 |
Time&Expenses |
17 |
18 |
Waiting |
19 |
Adding Categories from a Database
Adding Categories to the Master Categories List
Assigning Categories to an Appointment