AccessibleDescription Property
AccessibleName Property
AccessibleRole Property
AccessibleValue Property
Adding the VSFlexGrid 8.0 Component to the Toolbox
AddItem Method
AfterCollapse Event
AfterDataRefresh Event
AfterEdit Event
AfterMoveColumn Event
AfterMoveRow Event
AfterRowColChange Event
AfterScroll Event
AfterSelChange Event
AfterSort Event
AfterUserFreeze Event
AfterUserResize Event
Aggregate Property
AllowBigSelection Property
AllowSelection Property
AllowUserFreezing Property
AllowUserResizing Property
Appearance Property
Archive Method
ArchiveInfo Property
AutoResize Property
AutoSearch Property
AutoSearchDelay Property
AutoSize Method
AutoSizeMode Property
AutoSizeMouse Property
BackColor Property
BackColorAlternate Property
BackColorBkg Property
BackColorFixed Property
BackColorFrozen Property
BackColorSel Property
Basic Operations
BeforeCollapse Event
BeforeDataRefresh Event
BeforeEdit Event
BeforeMouseDown Event
BeforeMoveColumn Event
BeforeMoveRow Event
BeforePageBreak Event
BeforeRowColChange Event
BeforeScroll Event
BeforeScrollTip Event
BeforeSelChange Event
BeforeSort Event
BeforeUserResize Event
Binding to a FlexDataSource
Binding to other VSFlexGrid controls
Binding to Variant arrays
BindToArray Method
BottomRow Property
BuildComboList Method
C++ Samples
Calculator Demo
CaseSensitive Property
Cell Buttons
Cell Flooding Demo
Cell Property
CellAlignment Property
CellBackColor Property
CellBorder Method
CellBorderRange Method
CellButtonClick Event
CellButtonPicture Property
CellChanged Event
CellChecked Property
CellFloodColor Property
CellFloodPercent Property
CellFontBold Property
CellFontItalic Property
CellFontName Property
CellFontSize Property
CellFontStrikethru Property
CellFontUnderline Property
CellFontWidth Property
CellForeColor Property
CellHeight Property
CellLeft Property
CellPicture Property
CellPictureAlignment Property
CellTextStyle Property
CellTop Property
CellWidth Property
ChangeEdit Event
Clear Method
Clearing Pictures
ClientHeight Property
ClientWidth Property
Clip Property
ClipSeparators Property
Col Property
ColAlignment Property
ColComboList Property
ColData Property
ColDataType Property
ColEditMask Property
ColFormat Property
ColHidden Property
ColImageList Property
ColIndent Property
ColIndex Property
ColIsVisible Property
ColKey Property
ColPos Property
ColPosition Property
Cols Property
ColSel Property
ColSort Property
ColWidth Property
ColWidthMax Property
ColWidthMin Property
ComboCloseUp Event
ComboCount Property
ComboData Property
ComboDropDown Event
ComboIndex Property
ComboItem Property
ComboList Property
ComboSearch Property
Compare Event
ComponentOne VSFlexGrid Pro 8.0
Conditional formatting
Controlling Edit Mode
Copy Method
Creating Archives
Creating Controls Dynamically in ATL
Creating Outline Trees
Creating Subtotals
Cut Method
Data Analysis Demo
Data Binding
other types
Data Binding (ADO and DAO)
Data-Cleaning Demo
DataMember Property
DataMode Property
DataRefresh Method
DataSource Property
Delete Method
Does VSFlexGrid 7.0 work with VB4, VB5 and VB6?
Does VSFlexGrid 7.0 work with VB4-16 or any other 16-bit environments?
DragMode Property
DragRow Method
DrawCell Event
Dual Interfaces in MFC
Edit Demo
Editable Property
EditCell Method
Editing Cells
Editing Text, Lists, and Combos
EditMask Property
EditMaxLength Property
EditSelLength Property
EditSelStart Property
EditSelText Property
EditText Property
EditWindow Property
Ellipsis Property
EndAutoSearch Event
End-User License Agreement
EnterCell Event
Error Event
Error Property
ExplorerBar Property
ExtendLastCol Property
FillStyle Property
FilterData Event
FindRow Property
FindRowRegex Property
FinishEditing Method
FixedAlignment Property
FixedCols Property
FixedRows Property
Flags Property
FlexDataSource Property
FloodColor Property
FocusRect Property
FontBold Property
FontItalic Property
FontName Property
FontSize Property
FontStrikethru Property
FontUnderline Property
FontWidth Property
ForeColor Property
ForeColorFixed Property
ForeColorFrozen Property
ForeColorSel Property
FormatString Property
Formatting cell appearance
Formatting cell contents
Formatting Cells
Frequently Asked Questions
FrozenCols Property
FrozenRows Property
GetHeaderRow Event
GetMergedRange Method
GetNode Method
GetNodeRow Method
GetSelection Method
GridColor Property
GridColorFixed Property
GridLines Property
GridLinesFixed Property
GridLineWidth Property
GroupCompare Property
Handling Optional Parameters in MFC
Handling Picture Properties in MFC
Handling Pictures
Handling Pictures in ATL projects
HighLight Property
How can I add or delete a column at a given position?
How can I implement OLE Drag and Drop?
How can I print the contents of a VSFlexGrid control?
How do I handle optional parameters in VSFlexGrid using C++?
How do I handle Pictures in VSFlexGrid when using C++?
How do I limit the length of text entries in a column?
How do I update a project file that uses VSFLEX7 to VSFlexGrid 8.0?
How does Licensing Work?
HTML Samples
Installing Demonstration Versions
Installing VSFlexGrid 8.0 for Active X
IsCollapsed Property
IsSearching Property
IsSelected Property
IsSubtotal Property
KeyDownEdit Event
KeyPressEdit Event
KeyUpEdit Event
LeaveCell Event
LeftCol Property
Licensing FAQs
LoadArray Method
LoadGrid Method
LoadGridURL Method
Loading Grids
MatchCount Property
MatchIndex Property
Matching Demo
MatchLength Property
MatchStart Property
MatchString Property
MergeCells Property
MergeCellsFixed Property
MergeCol Property
MergeCompare Property
Merged data views
Merged table headers
MergeRow Property
Merging Cells
MouseCol Property
MouseRow Property
MultiTotals Property
NodeClosedPicture Property
NodeOpenPicture Property
of VSFlexGrid
of VSFlexString
OLE Drag and Drop Demo
OLECompleteDrag Event
OLEDrag Method
OLEDragDrop Event
OLEDragMode Property
OLEDragOver Event
OLEDropMode Property
OLEGiveFeedback Event
OLESetCustomDataObject Event
OLESetData Event
OLEStartDrag Event
Other types of Data Binding
Outline Demo
Outline Method
OutlineBar Property
OutlineCol Property
Outlining and Summarizing
OwnerDraw Property
Paste Method
Pattern Property
Picture Property
PicturesOver Property
PictureType Property
PrintGrid Method
Printing Demo
Printing Grids
Redistributable Files
Redraw Property
Regular Expressions
RemoveItem Method
Replace Property
Replacing Demo
RightCol Property
RightToLeft Property
Row Property
RowColChange Event
RowData Property
RowHeight Property
RowHeightMax Property
RowHeightMin Property
RowHidden Property
RowIsVisible Property
RowOutlineLevel Property
RowPos Property
RowPosition Property
Rows Property
RowSel Property
RowStatus Property
SaveGrid Method
Saving Grids
Saving, Loading, and Printing
ScrollBars Property
ScrollTips Property
ScrollTipText Property
ScrollTrack Property
SelChange Event
Select Method
SelectedRow Property
SelectedRows Property
SelectionMode Property
SetUp Files
SetupEditStyle Event
SetupEditWindow Event
SheetBorder Property
ShowCell Method
ShowComboButton Property
Sort Property
SortAscendingPicture Property
SortDescendingPicture Property
Soundex Property
Spilling Text
StartAutoSearch Event
StartEdit Event
StartPage Event
Step 1: Create the Control
Step 1: Create the Control
Step 1: Create the Control
Step 1: Create the Controls
Step 1: Create the project
Step 2: Add the VSFlexGrid Control to the Project
Step 2: Data Formatting
Step 2: Initialize and populate the grid
Step 2: Initialize the Controls
Step 2: Read the Data and Build the Outline
Step 3: Automatic Sorting
Step 3: Check Boxes
Step 3: Create the VSFlexGrid Control
Step 3: Manual OLE Drag
Step 3: Use the Outline
Step 4: Cell Merging
Step 4: Create a Member Variable to Access the Control
Step 4: Custom Mouse and Keyboard Handling
Step 4: Drop-Down Lists
Step 4: Manual OLE Drop
Step 5: Automatic Subtotals
Step 5: Input Masks
Step 5: Read the Data and Build the Outline
Step 6: Complex Data Validation
Step 6: Outlining
Step 6: Use the Outline
Step 7: Clipboard Support
Step 7: Custom Mouse and Keyboard Handling
Step 8: Cell Pictures
Subtotal Method
SubtotalPosition Property
TabBehavior Property
TagCount Property
TagIndex Property
TagLength Property
TagStart Property
TagString Property
Technical Support
Text property
of VSFlexGrid
of VSFlexString
Text Property (VSFlexGrid)
Text Property (VSFlexString)
TextArray Property
TextMatrix Property
TextStyle Property
TextStyleFixed Property
The AfterDataRefresh event
The DataMode property
The DataSource property
The VirtualData property
There are several ways to add data to a VSFlexGrid control. Which one is the fastest?
ToolTip Demo
TopRow Property
TreeColor Property
Uninstalling VSFlexGrid 8.0
Upgrading From Previous Versions
Using ComponentOne ActiveX Controls in the .NET Framework
Using the Text Property
Using VSFlexGrid in ATL projects
Using VSFlexGrid in MFC projects
Using VSFlexGrid in Visual C++
Using VSFlexGrid in Visual J++
ValidateEdit Event
Value Property
ValueMatrix Property
Version property
of VSFlexGrid
of VSFlexString
Version Property (VSFlexGrid)
Version Property (VSFlexString)
VirtualData Property
Visual Basic Samples
Visual C++
Visual C++ MFC Demo
Visual J++
adding to the Toolbox
using in Visual C++
using in Visual J++
VSFlexGrid Control
VSFlexGrid Controls
VSFlexGrid Events
VSFlexGrid Introduction
VSFlexGrid Methods
VSFlexGrid Properties
VSFlexGrid Properties, Events, and Methods
VSFlexGrid Property Groups
VSFlexGrid Samples
VSFlexGrid Tutorials
VSFlexString Control
VSFlexString Introduction
VSFlexString Properties
VSFlexString Properties, Events, and Methods
WallPaper Property
WallPaperAlignment Property
What is difference between VSFLEX8.OCX, VSFLEX8D.OCX, and VSFLEX8L.OCX?
What is Licensing?
When adding VSFLEX8.OCX to my VB4 or VB5 project, I get the following error message: "Error loading DLL". What is wrong?
WordWrap Property