ComponentOne VSFlexGrid 8.0
Outline Method

Sets an outline level for displaying subtotals.


[form!]VSFlexGrid.Outline Level As Integer


The Outline method collapses or expands an outline to the level specified, collapsing or expanding multiple nodes simultaneously.

The method shows all nodes that have RowOutlineLevel smaller than or equal to the Level parameter specified. Thus, small Level values collapse the outline more, and large values expand it more. If Level is set to zero, only the root node is visible. If Level is set to a very large value (say 100 or so), the outline is totally expanded.

Setting Level to -1 causes the outline to be totally expanded.

When the nodes are collapsed or expanded, the control fires the BeforeCollapse and AfterCollapse events. You may trap these events to cancel the action. See the BeforeCollapse event for an example.

To set up an outline structure using automatic subtotals, see the Subtotal method. To set up a custom outline structure, see the IsSubtotal property. For more details on creating and using outlines, see the Outline Demo.



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