ComponentOne VSFlexGrid 8.0
Upgrading From Previous Versions

Visual Basic projects that use VSFlexGrid 7.0 may be upgraded to VSFlexGrid 8.0 using the conversion utility provided in the distribution package.

The conversion utility is a Visual Basic program called Convert7to8, and its source code is included should you want to see exactly what it does. It is installed to C:\Program Files\ComponentOne\Studio for ActiveX\Utilities by default. Please note that it may be installed elsewhere if you installed the product to another location.

Convert7to8 reads the name of an existing Visual Basic project, parses the names of all forms, then makes all the changes needed to each file. The routine saves the original files with a "bak" extension that is appended to the original file name (e.g., "Form1.frm" becomes "Form1.frm.bak").

The following list explains the changes needed to convert the project and why they are necessary:

Class names and GUIDs have changed

This affects declarations made inside .frm and .vbp files. It also affects the declarations of the OLEDragDrop events, which include a parameter of type VSDataObject. These changes were made to avoid conflicts with VSFlex6 projects. Both versions of the control may coexist on the same computer.

Some Event names and parameter lists have changed:

The old Scroll event has been replaced by BeforeScroll and AfterScoll events.



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