
Spread.Views supports localization of inline resources to cater the global users. The two ways to change the inline resources are as follows:

  • Import built-in resource file: Imports the built-in resource file in the HTML head. Spread.Views includes built-in resource file for English, Chinese and Japanese language.
  • Custon via options: Changes the default text with the custom text using the options.localeResource method.

The steps to enable localization of resources for Japanese language are as follows:

Sample Code

  1. Add a reference to the following files in the scripts folder:

    • gc.spread.views.dataView.locale.en-US.10.1.1.min.js
    • gc.spread.views.dataView.locale.ja-JP.10.1.1.min.js
    • gc.spread.views.dataView.locale.zh-CN.10.1.1.min.js
  2. Add a column definition and define the locale mode change function.

      $('#grid-locale-mode').change(function() {
                 var sel = document.getElementById("grid-locale-mode");
                 var value = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value;
                 var baseUrl = '[Your Script Path]/gc.spread.views.dataView.locale.' + value + '.10.1.1.min.js';
                 getScript(baseUrl, function() {
  3. Initialize the code by calling the grid ID from the DIV tag.

See Also
