C1Ribbon (Classic) provides visual editing to make it easier to create the Ribbon. You can make changes to the Ribbon by using one or more of the following visual editors:
You can access the C1Ribbon and C1StatusBar properties simply by right-clicking on the control and selecting Properties or by selecting the class from the drop-down box of the Properties window.
In Visual Studio, the C1Ribbon and C1StatusBar controls include a smart tag. A smart tag represents a short-cut tasks menu that provides the most commonly used properties in each control. You can invoke the tasks menu by clicking on the smart tag () in the upper-right corner of each control. For more information on how to use the smart tags, see C1Ribbon and C1StatusBar Smart Tags.
You can use the C1Ribbon and C1StatusBar controls' context menu for additional functionality at design time. See the C1Ribbon and C1StatusBar Context Menus topic for details.
The main part of each of the collection editor's application consists of a Windows form which conveniently allows you to add Ribbon items and edit their properties. C1Ribbon provides the following collection editors:
The smart designers enable you to have complete control over creating a powerful and enhancing Ribbon and status bar. For more information on the C1Ribbon and C1StatusBar smart designer, see the C1Ribbon Smart Designer and C1StatusBar Smart Designer topics.
You can quickly edit Ribbon elements' labels using the in-place editing feature. For more information about using the in-place editing feature see the In-Place Text Editing topic.