ComponentOne Scheduler for ASP.NET: Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX Key Features

Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX Key Features

Some of the main features of C1Schedule that you may find useful include the following:

      Create Outlook-style Appointments

Users can easily add new and edit existing appointments within a C1Schedule. Just as in Microsoft Outlook, you can schedule appointments to occur one-time, all day, or recur over a set amount of time, and reminders can be set so no appointment is missed. Additionally, C1Schedule provides twelve built-in labels and four availability options to help users manage each appointment. Appointments can be organized within categories, and resources and contacts for each appointment can be specified.

For additional information, see Appointments.

      Office 2007 and Vista-style Themes

C1Schedule includes the following five built-in themes, as well as the capability to create customized themes.




ArcticFox (default)

The default ArcticFox theme.


Mimes the Office 2007 black theme.


Mimes the Office 2007 blue theme.


Mimes the Office 2007 silver theme.


Mimes the Vista theme.


For more information on the built-in visual style themes, see Visual Styles.

      Built-in Data Views

The C1Schedule control includes five built-in data views, allowing you to offer a variety of ways for users to view their schedules. Having built-in data views simplifies development time by allowing you to set the view using one property, ViewType, rather than having to use multiple controls to show each different view. The data views include the following:

      Day View: the most detailed view showing appointments for a particular day.

      Work Week View: shows appointments for specified work days in a weekly period.

      Week View Vertical: shows appointments for any given weekly period in a vertical format.

      Week View Horizontal: shows appointments for any given weekly period in a horizontal format.

      Month View: shows appointments for one or more months.

For examples of each of the data views and information on how to change a view, see Data Views.

      Built-in Data Layer

C1Schedule gives you the option of using standard ADO.NET databinding to bind C1Schedule to a database or using an automatically generated XML file to save and load data. The built-in C1Schedule data storage is used in both cases.

Using the DataSource Editor, which corresponds with the DataStorage, you can bind to a database and map to each column in one of its tables to load appointments, categories, contacts, labels, resources, and the status of appointments.

If you prefer to use a built-in datasource, data can be saved to and loaded from an XML file that is specified in the DataFilePath property. This file, C1ScheduleData.xml, is created automatically when a C1Schedule control is added to a form, and it serves as the C1Schedule data storage.

For additional information on binding C1Schedule to a data source or using a built-in data source, see Data and Databinding.

      C1Calendar Compatibility

Link Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX with Calendar for ASP.NET AJAX by setting just one property. For an example, see Using C1Schedule with C1Calendar.

      Import and Export Multiple Formats

Import and export data from and to iCalendar, XML, and PDF/Image formats. For an example, see Importing and Exporting Schedule Data.

      Rich Client-Side Object Model

C1Schedule uses client-side rendering technology to increase performance in your Web forms. Using client-side code such as JavaScript, you can create browser-interaction tasks that require an immediate response, such as changing the data view of a schedule, allowing users to enable or disable AJAX, showing reminders, and more.

For more information on client-side support provided by C1Schedule, see Client-Side Functionality in Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX.

      AJAX Support

C1Schedule supports Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). AJAX is an approach to creating rich, responsive Web applications like you see in desktop applications. In a desktop application, the user gets immediate responses to their requests. In a traditional Web application, the user's input value is sent to the server, or in other words, a postback is performed, and the server then acts upon the data and responds by sending back a new Web page with the new item. The performance of this Web application is not responsive; the user must wait for the server to respond. But now, with AJAX, the user does not have to wait.

The key advantage of AJAX is that it does not require a postback when communicating with the server. Instead of loading a Web page in the server, the browser loads an AJAX engine. The user's request is sent to the server, the work being done in the background, and the affected portion of the current Web page is updated instantly without reloading the entire page. This avoids the flicker on the screen you see with postbacks.

      Localized Scheduling

Localize text and dates in your schedule as well as view tasks and calendars in the local or a defined time zone. See Changing the Culture of a Schedule for more information.

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