Wijmo UI for the Web
wijcompositechart jQuery Widget
Analyze complex data on a single chart surface with dashboards.
$(function () {
    var options; // Type:  wijmo.chart.wijcompositechart.options
function wijcompositechart() : any;
public Option

Type: wijmo.chart.chart_animation

The animation option defines the animation effect and controls other aspects of the widget's animation, such as duration and easing.

public Option

Default value: []

Creates an array of AnnotationBase objects that contain the settings of the annotations to display in the chart.

public Option

Default value: true

A value that indicates whether to redraw the chart automatically when resizing the chart element.

public Option

Type: wijmo.chart.chart_axes

A value that contains all of the information to create the X and Y axes of the chart

public Option

Default value: ""

Sets the numeric format of the chart labels that show the value of each chart element. You can use Standard Numeric Format Strings.

public Option

Default value: null

A value that indicates a function which is used to obtain the content part of the chart label for each chart element.

public Option

Sets all of the style options of the chart labels that show the value of each chart element.

public Option

Default value: 0

A value that indicates the percentage of bar elements in the same cluster overlap.

public Option

Default value: 0

A value that indicates the corner-radius for the bar.

public Option

Default value: 0

A value that indicates the spacing between the adjacent bars.

public Option

Default value: 85

A value that indicates the percentage of the plot area that each bar cluster occupies.

public Option

Default value: ""

A value that indicator the culture to format the chart text.

public Option

Default value: ""

Assigns the string value of the culture calendar that appears on the calendar. This option must work with culture option.

public Option

Default value: null

Bind a field to each series's data x array

public Option

Default value: null

Sets the array to use as a source for data that you can bind to the axes in your seriesList.

public Option

Gets or sets whether control is disabled.

public Option

Default value: false

Sets a value indicating whether you can set the font-family of the text using a class instead of options.

public Option

Type: wijmo.chart.chart_title

Sets up the object to use as the footer of the barchart.

public Option

Type: wijmo.chart.chart_title

Sets up the object to use as the header of the barchart.

public Option

Default value: null

Sets the height of the barchart in pixels.

public Option

Type: wijmo.chart.chart_hint

Creates an object to use as the tooltip, or hint, when the mouse is over a chart element.

public Option

Gets or sets the hole value.

public Option

Gets or sets whether series are displayed horizontally.

public Option

Type: wijmo.chart.chart_indicator

Sets up an object that can display an indicator line running horizontally/vertically through the center of each chart element in the chart when the user clicks the chart element.

public Option

Gets or sets whether each value contributes to the total with the relative size of each series representing its contribution to the total.

public Option

Type: wijmo.chart.chart_legend

Creates a legend object to display with the chart.

public Option

Default value: 25

Sets the amount of space in pixels between the chart area and the bottom edge of the <div> that defines the widget.

public Option

Default value: 25

Sets the amount of space in pixels between the chart area and the left edge of the <div> that defines the widget

public Option

Default value: 25

Sets the amount of space in pixels between the chart area and the right edge of the <div> that defines the widget

public Option

Default value: 25

Sets the amount of space in pixels between the chart area and the top edge of the <div> that defines the widget

public Option

The maximum bubble size represents the percentage of the diameter (or area) of the plot area.

public Option

The minimum bubble size represents the percentage of the diameter (or area) of the plot area.

public Option

Default value: []

Sets an array of styles to use in rendering bars in the chart when you hover over them.

public Option

Default value: []

An array collection that contains the data that will be displayed by the chart."

public Option

Default value: []

Sets an array of style objects to use in rendering the bars for each series in the chart.

public Option

Type: wijmo.chart.chart_animation

The seriesTransition option is used to animate series in the chart when just their values change.

public Option

Default value: true

A value that indicates whether to show a shadow around the edge of the chart.

public Option

Default value: true

A value that indicates whether to show default chart labels.

public Option

A value that indicates how to calculate the bubble size.

public Option

Default value: false

A value that determines whether to show a stacked chart.

public Option

Creates an object to use for the fallback style of any chart text that does not have other style options set.

public Option

Default value: null

Sets the width of the chart in pixels.

public Option

A value that indicates whether to zoom in on the marker on hover.

public MethodAdd series point to the series list.  
public MethodSuspend automatic updates to the chart while reseting the options.  
public MethodRemove the functionality completely. This will return the element back to its pre-init state.  
public MethodRestore automatic updates to the chart after the options has been reset.  
public MethodExports the chart in a graphic format. The export method only works when wijmo.exporter.chartExport's reference is on the page.  
public MethodReturns a reference to the Raphael canvas object.  
public MethodReturns the raphael element with the given type and index.  
public MethodThis method redraws the chart.  
public MethodReturns a jQuery object containing the original element or other relevant generated element.  
public EventThis event fires before the canvas is painted. This event can be cancelled. "return false;" to cancel the event.  
public EventThis event fires before the series changes. This event can be cancelled. "return false;" to cancel the event.  
public EventOccurs when the user clicks the chart element.  
public EventOccurs when the user clicks a mouse button.  
public EventOccurs when the user moves the mouse pointer while it is over a chart element.  
public EventOccurs when the user moves the pointer off of the chart element.  
public EventOccurs when the user first places the pointer over the chart element.  
public EventOccurs when the user releases a mouse button while the pointer is over the chart element.  
public EventThis event fires after the canvas is painted.  
public EventThis event fires when the series changes.  
See Also




wijcompositechart jQuery Widget