Wijmo UI for the Web
redraw Method
wijmo.chart Namespace > wijcompositechart type : redraw Method
A value that indicates whether to redraw the chart regardless of whether the chart already exists. If true, then the chart is redrawn only if it was not already created. If false, then the chart is redrawn, even if it already exists.
This method redraws the chart.
$(function () {
    var returnsValue; // Type:  any
    // Parameters
    var drawIfNeeded; // Type:  undefined
    returnsValue = $(".selector").wijcompositechart("redraw", drawIfNeeded);
function redraw( 
   drawIfNeeded : undefined
) : any;


A value that indicates whether to redraw the chart regardless of whether the chart already exists. If true, then the chart is redrawn only if it was not already created. If false, then the chart is redrawn, even if it already exists.
See Also


wijcompositechart type
wijcompositechart jQuery Widget