Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSIsFetchCellNote Function
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SSIsFetchCellNote Function

See Also    ActiveX

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Returns whether the SSM_TEXTTIPFETCH message was sent for a cell note.



BOOL SSIsFetchCellNote(HWND hWnd);


BOOL TSpread::IsFetchCellNote( );


The following parameter is available:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control


By default, cells with notes display a cell note indicator, a red square in the upper right corner of the cell, as shown in the following figure.

Cell notes display in the same manner as text tips. When the pointer is over the cell note indicator, the cell note text displays.

When the control displays the cell note, the SSM_TEXTTIPFETCH message is sent. To display the cell note, set the SSSetTextTip function's Status parameter to a value other than 0 (SS_TT_STATUS_OFF). You can display both text tips and cell notes for a cell. You can call the SSIsFetchCellNote function to determine if the message was sent for a cell note or a text tip and to show and modify the cell notes or text tips accordingly.

You can use the SSSetTextTip function to further customize the cell notes.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if the SSM_TEXTTIPFETCH message is sent for a cell note. Returns FALSE if the SSM_TEXTTIPFETCH message is not sent for a cell note.

See Also

Providing Cell Notes

SSSetCellNote, SSSetCellNoteIndicator, SSSetCellNoteRange functions



ActiveX Correspondence

IsFetchCellNote method

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