Spread 8.0 Documentation
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DLL Reference > DLL Structures > SS_TEXTTIPFETCH Structure

Glossary Item Box


See Also

Applies To

fpSpread control


typedef struct ss_texttipfetch
    BOOL fShow;
    WORD wMultiLine;
    WORD wAlignX;
    WORD wAlignY;
    short xOffset;
    short yOffset;
    short nWidth;
    SS_COORD Col;
    SS_COORD Row;
    TCHAR szText[SS_TT_TEXTMAX + 1];
    HGLOBAL hText; //if this member is non-empty
    //then hText is used instead of szText


The following fields are available:

Field Description
fShow Set to FALSE if you do not want to display a text tip or cell note
Defaults to TRUE for text tips if the text in the cell or header is too long to display completely in the cell. Otherwise, the default is FALSE. Always defaults to TRUE for cell notes.
wMultiLine Specifies whether to display text on multiple lines in a text tip or cell note
Choose one of the following values:
Constant Description
SS_TT_MULTILINE_SINGLE Displays text on one line
SS_TT_MULTILINE_MULTI Wraps text based on setting of the nWidth field
SS_TT_MULTILINE_AUTO Text wrap and tip or note width determined by the control
wAlignX Specifies horizontal alignment for a text tip or cell note
Choose one of the following values:
Constant Description
SS_TT_XALIGN_AUTO Control automatically determines the alignment
SS_TT_XALIGN_LEFT Tip or note is left aligned
SS_TT_XALIGN_RIGHT Tip or note is right aligned
SS_TT_XALIGN_CENTER Tip or note is centered
wAlignY Specifies vertical alignment for a text tip or cell note
Choose one of the following values:
Constant Description
SS_TT_YALIGN_AUTO Control automatically determines the alignment
SS_TT_YALIGN_TOP Tip or note is top aligned
SS_TT_YALIGN_BOTTOM Tip or note is bottom aligned
SS_TT_YALIGN_CENTER Tip or note is centered
xOffset Specifies horizontal offset
yOffset Specifies vertical offset
nWidth Width of tip or note in pixels
(Default is width of text in cell or header under the pointer.)
Note: For text tips, the tip width will never be larger than the width of the text itself. For cell notes, the tip width can be larger than the note width.
Col Column number
Row Row number
szText Specifies text to display in text tip
(Default text is text in cell or header under the pointer.)
Note: Does not apply for cell notes. Call the SSSetCellNote function to specify cell note text.
hText Text in cell by default


The hText was added to allow more characters in the text tip. The hText overrides szText unless hText is NULL.

Use this structure, the SSM_TEXTTIPFETCH message, and the SSSetTextTip function to display text tips or cell notes, to respond to the display of text tips or cell notes, to configure text tips or cell notes, or to not display a text tip or cell note. Set the fShow field to TRUE to display cell notes or to display text tips for a cell or header when the text in the cell or header is completely displayed.

Call the SSSetTextTip function to specify whether and when cell notes or text tips are displayed and how they are positioned. Text tips are displayed for headers or cells in the control when the pointer is over a cell or header. Cell notes are displayed for cells or headers in the control when the pointer is over a cell note indicator, a red square in the upper right corner of the cell.

Whether the control sends the SSM_TEXTTIPFETCH message when the control has the focus depends on the setting of the SSSetTextTip function's wStatus parameter. If the wStatus parameter is set to SS_TT_STATUS_FIXED or SS_TT_STATUS_FLOATING, the control sends the SSM_TEXTTIPFETCH message whenever the pointer is over a cell note indicator, a cell, or a header cell, even if the control does not have the focus. If the wStatus parameter is set to SS_TT_STATUS_FIXEDFOCUSONLY or SS_TT_STATUS_FLOATINGFOCUSONLY, the control sends the SSM_TEXTTIPFETCH message whenever the pointer is over a cell note indicator, a cell, or a header cell, but only when the control has the focus.

For text tips, the control does not send the SSM_TEXTTIPFETCH message until after the pointer has been over the cell or header without moving for longer than the time period specified by the SSSetTextTip function's lDelay parameter. For cell notes, the SSSetCellNoteIndicator function determines whether the control sends the SSM_TEXTTIPFETCH message.

If you choose to display text tips and cell notes in the fpSpread control, you can call the SSIsFetchCellNote function to determine whether the SSM_TEXTTIPFETCH message is sent for a cell note and to show and modify text tips and cell notes accordingly.

If you choose to display text tips in the fpSpread control, be sure not to display a tool tip for the control.

See Also

SSSetCellNote, SSSetCellNoteIndicator, SSSetCellNoteRange, SSSetTextTip functions


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