| Name | Description |
| addColumns | Adds the column or columns to the data model at the specified index. |
| addCustomFunction | Adds a custom function. |
| addCustomName | Adds a custom name. |
| addNamedStyle | Adds a style to the Worksheet named styles collection. |
| addRows | Adds rows in this worksheet. |
| addSelection | Adds a cell or cells to the selection. |
| addSpan | Adds a span of cells to this sheet in the specified sheet area. |
| autoFitColumn | Automatically fits the viewport column. |
| autoFitRow | Automatically fits the viewport row. |
| bind | Binds an event to the sheet. |
| bindColumn | Binds the column using the specified data field. |
| bindColumns | Binds the columns using the specified data fields. |
| clear | Clears the specified area. |
| clearCustomFunctions | Clears all custom functions. |
| clearCustomNames | Clears custom names. |
| clearPendingChanges | Clears the dirty, insert, and delete status from the current worksheet. |
| clearSelection | Clears the selection. |
| copyTo | Copies data from one range to another. |
| currentTheme | Gets or sets the current theme for the sheet. |
| deleteColumns | Deletes the columns in this sheet at the specified index. |
| deleteRows | Deletes the rows in this worksheet at the specified index. |
| editorStatus | Returns the editor's status. |
| endEdit | Stops editing the active cell. |
| fillAuto | Fills the specified range automatically. |
| fromJSON | Loads the object state from the specified JSON string. |
| frozenColumnCount | Gets or sets the number of frozen columns of the sheet. |
| frozenRowCount | Gets or sets the number of frozen rows of the sheet. |
| frozenTrailingColumnCount | Gets or sets the number of trailing frozen columns of the sheet. |
| frozenTrailingRowCount | Gets or sets the number of trailing frozen rows of the sheet. |
| getActiveColumnIndex | Gets the active column index for this sheet. |
| getActiveRowIndex | Gets the active row index for this sheet. |
| getActualStyle | Gets the actual style information for a specified cell in the specified sheet area. |
| getArray | Gets an object array from a specified range of cells. |
| getBindingPath | Gets the binding path of cell-level binding from the specified cell in the specified sheet area. |
| getCell | Gets the specified cell in the specified sheet area. |
| getCellRect | Gets the rectangle of the cell. |
| getCellType | Gets the cell type. |
| getColumnCount | Gets the column count in the specified sheet area. |
| getColumnPageBreak | Gets whether a forced page break is inserted before the specified column on this sheet when printing. |
| getColumnResizable | Gets a value that indicates whether the user can resize a specified column in the specified sheet area. |
| getColumnVisible | Gets whether a column in the specified sheet area is displayed. |
| getColumnWidth | Gets the width in pixels for the specified column in the specified sheet area. |
| getCsv | Gets delimited text from a range. |
| getCustomFunction | Gets a custom function. |
| getCustomName | Gets the specified custom name information. |
| getCustomNames | Gets all custom name information. |
| getDataColumnName | Gets the column name at the specified position. |
| getDataItem | Gets the data item. |
| getDataSource | Gets the data source that populates the sheet. |
| getDataValidator | Gets the cell data validator. |
| getDefaultStyle | Gets the default style information for the sheet. |
| getDeletedRows | Gets the deleted row collection. |
| getDirtyCells | Gets the dirty cell collection. |
| getDirtyRows | Gets the dirty row collection. |
| getFormatter | Gets the cell formatter. |
| getFormula | Gets the formula in the specified cell in this sheet. |
| getFormulaInformation | Gets the formula in the specified cell in this sheet. |
| getInsertRows | Gets the inserted row collection. |
| getNamedStyle | Gets a style from the Worksheet named styles collection which has the specified name. |
| getNamedStyles | Gets named styles from the Worksheet. |
| getParent | Gets the parent Spread object of the current sheet. |
| getRange | Gets a range of cells in the specified sheet area. |
| getRowCount | Gets the row count in the specified sheet area. |
| getRowHeight | Gets the height in pixels for the specified row in the specified sheet area. |
| getRowPageBreak | Gets whether a forced page break is inserted before the specified row on this sheet when printing. |
| getRowResizable | Gets a value that indicates whether users can resize the specified row in the specified sheet area. |
| getRowVisible | Gets whether the control displays the specified row. |
| getSelections | Gets the selections in the current sheet. |
| getSpans | Gets the spans in the specified range in the specified sheet area. |
| getSparkline | Gets the sparkline for the specified cell. |
| getStyle | Gets the style information for a specified cell in the specified sheet area. |
| getStyleName | Gets the name of the style for a specified cell in the specified sheet area. |
| getTag | Gets the tag value from the specified cell in the specified sheet area. |
| getText | Gets the formatted text in the cell in the specified sheet area. |
| getValue | Gets the unformatted data from the specified cell in the specified sheet area. |
| getViewportBottomRow | Gets the index of the bottom row in the viewport. |
| getViewportHeight | Gets the height of the specified viewport row for the active sheet. |
| getViewportLeftColumn | Gets the index of the left column in the viewport. |
| getViewportRightColumn | Gets the index of the right column in the viewport. |
| getViewportTopRow | Gets the index of the top row in the viewport. |
| getViewportWidth | Gets the width of the specified viewport column for the active sheet. |
| groupSparkline | Groups the sparklines. |
| hasPendingChanges | Gets whether there is a dirty, insert, or delete status for the specified range. |
| hitTest | Performs a hit test. |
| invalidateLayout | Invalidates the sheet layout. |
| isEditing | Gets whether the sheet is in edit mode. |
| isPaintSuspended | Get if sheet paint is suspended. |
| isValid | Determines whether the cell value is valid. |
| moveTo | Moves data from one range to another. |
| name | Gets or sets the name of the worksheet. |
| printInfo | Gets or sets the print information for the sheet. |
| recalcAll | Recalculates all the formulas in the sheet. |
| removeCustomFunction | Removes a custom function. |
| removeCustomName | Removes the specified custom name. |
| removeNamedStyle | Removes a style from the Worksheet named styles collection which has the specified name. |
| removeSpan | Removes the span that contains a specified anchor cell in the specified sheet area. |
| removeSparkline | Removes the sparkline for the specified cell. |
| repaint | Repaints the specified rectangle. |
| reset | Resets the sheet. |
| resumeCalcService | Resumes the calculation service. |
| resumeEvent | Resumes the event. |
| resumePaint | Resumes the paint. |
| rowFilter | Gets or sets the row filter for the sheet. |
| search | Searches the specified content. |
| selectionPolicy | Gets or sets whether users can select ranges of items on a sheet. |
| selectionUnit | Gets or sets whether users can select cells, rows, or columns on a sheet. |
| setActiveCell | Sets the active cell for this sheet. |
| setArray | Sets the values in the specified two-dimensional array of objects into the specified range of cells on this sheet. |
| setArrayFormula | Sets a formula in a specified cell in the specified sheet area. |
| setBindingPath | Sets the binding path for cell-level binding in a specified cell in the specified sheet area. |
| setCellType | Sets the cell type. |
| setColumnCount | Sets the column count in the specified sheet area. |
| setColumnPageBreak | Sets whether a forced page break is inserted before the specified column on this sheet when printing. |
| setColumnResizable | Sets whether users can resize the specified column in the specified sheet area. |
| setColumnVisible | Sets whether a column in the specified sheet area is displayed. |
| setColumnWidth | Sets the width in pixels for the specified column in the specified sheet area. |
| setCsv | Sets delimited text (CSV) in the sheet. |
| setDataSource | Sets the data source that populates the sheet. |
| setDataValidator | Sets the cell data validator. |
| setDefaultStyle | Sets the default style information for the sheet. |
| setFormatter | Sets the cell formatter. |
| setFormula | Sets a formula in a specified cell in the specified sheet area. |
| setRowCount | Sets the row count in the specified sheet area. |
| setRowHeight | Sets the height in pixels for the specified row in the specified sheet area. |
| setRowPageBreak | Sets whether a forced page break is inserted before the specified row on this sheet when printing. |
| setRowResizable | Sets whether users can resize the specified row in the specified sheet area. |
| setRowVisible | Sets whether the control displays the specified row in the specified sheet area. |
| setSelection | Sets the selection to a cell or a range and sets the active cell to the first cell. |
| setSparkline | Sets the sparkline for a cell. |
| setStyle | Sets the style information for a specified cell in the specified sheet area. |
| setStyleName | Sets the specified style name for a specified cell in the specified sheet area. |
| setTag | Sets the tag value for the specified cell in the specified sheet area. |
| setText | Sets the formatted text in the cell in the specified sheet area. |
| setValue | Sets the value for the specified cell in the specified sheet area. |
| showCell | Moves the view of a cell to the specified position in the viewport. |
| showColumn | Moves the view of a column to the specified position in the viewport. |
| showColumnOutline | Gets or sets whether the column outline (range group) is visible. |
| showRow | Moves the view of a row to the specified position in the viewport. |
| showRowOutline | Gets or sets whether the row outline (range group) is visible. |
| sortRange | Sorts a range of cells in this sheet in the data model. |
| startEdit | Starts to edit the cell. |
| suspendCalcService | Suspends the calculation service. |
| suspendEvent | Suspends the event. |
| suspendPaint | Suspends the paint. |
| tag | Gets or sets the tag value for the current sheet. |
| toJSON | Saves the object state to a JSON string. |
| unbind | Removes the binding of an event to the sheet. |
| unbindAll | Removes the binding of all events to the sheet. |
| ungroupSparkline | Ungroups the sparklines in the specified group. |
| visible | Sets whether the worksheet is displayed. |
| zoom | Gets or sets the zoom factor for the sheet. |