GC.Spread.Sheets Namespace > Worksheet type : hitTest Method |
var instance = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Worksheet(name); var value; // Type: Object value = instance.hitTest(x, y);
$("#ss").click(function (e) { //Acquire cell index from mouse-clicked point of regular cells which are neither fixed rows/columns nor row/column headers. var offset = $("#ss").offset(); var x = e.pageX - offset.left; var y = e.pageY - offset.top; var target = activeSheet.hitTest(x, y); if (target && (target.rowViewportIndex === 0 || target.rowViewportIndex === 1) && (target.colViewportIndex === 0 || target.colViewportIndex === 1)) { alert("Row index of mouse-clicked cells: " + target.row + "\n" + "Column index of mouse-clicked cells: " + target.col); } });
This method can return the following values:
obj.x | number type | The x-coordinate that equals x param. |
obj.y | number type | The y-coordinate that equals y param. |
obj.rowViewportIndex | number type | The index of row viewport, -1 represents column header area, 0 represents frozen row area, 1 represents viewport area, 2 represents trailing frozen row area. |
obj.colViewportIndex | number type | The index of column viewport, -1 represents row header area, 0 represents frozen column area, 1 represents viewport area, 2 represents trailing frozen column area. |
obj.row | number type | The row index that point(x,y) is in. |
obj.col | number type | The column index that point(x,y) is in. |
obj.hitTestType | GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea type | The sheet area that point(x,y) is in. |
obj.resizeInfo | object type | The resize information. |
obj.resizeInfo.action | string type | "sizeRow" represents resizing row, "sizeCol" represents resizing column. |
obj.resizeInfo.index | number type | The index of row or column to resize. |
obj.resizeInfo.sheetArea | GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea type | The sheet area that the resized row or column is in. |
obj.groupHitInfo | object type | The group information. |
obj.groupHitInfo.what | string type | "rgh" represents row group header button, "cgh" represents column group header button, "rg" represents row group button, "cg" represents column group button, "empty" represents no button. |
obj.groupHitInfo.info | object type | The group button information. |
obj.groupHitInfo.info.index | number type | The range group summary index. |
obj.groupHitInfo.info.isExpanded | boolean type | Whether the range group is expanded. |
obj.groupHitInfo.info.level | number type | The range group level. |
obj.groupHitInfo.info.lineDirection | GC.Spread.Sheets.RangeGroupDirection type | The range group direction. |
obj.groupHitInfo.info.paintLine | boolean type | Whether to paint the line of the range group. |
obj.filterButtonHitInfo | object type | The filter button information. |
obj.filterButtonHitInfo.row | number type | The row index that the filter button is in. |
obj.filterButtonHitInfo.col | number type | The column index that the filter button is in. |
obj.filterButtonHitInfo.x | number type | The x-coordinate of the filter button. |
obj.filterButtonHitInfo.y | number type | The y-coordinate of the filter button. |
obj.filterButtonHitInfo.width | number type | The width of the filter button. |
obj.filterButtonHitInfo.height | number type | The height of the filter button. |
obj.filterButtonHitInfo.sheetArea | GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea type | The sheet area that the filter button is in. |
obj.dragInfo | object type | The drag information. |
obj.dragInfo.action | string type | "drag" represents drag drop or drag fill. |
obj.dragInfo.side | string type | "left","right","top", and "bottom" represent drag drop, "corner" represents drag fill. |
obj.dragInfo.outside | boolean type | Whether the operation is out of the active selection range. |
obj.cellTypeHitInfo | object type | The cell type information. |
obj.cellTypeHitInfo.x | number type | The x-coordinate that equals the x param. |
obj.cellTypeHitInfo.y | number type | The y-coordinate that equals the y param. |
obj.cellTypeHitInfo.row | number type | The row index of the cell. |
obj.cellTypeHitInfo.col | number type | The column index of the cell. |
obj.cellTypeHitInfo.cellRect | GC.Spread.Sheets.Rect type | The rectangle of the cell. |
obj.cellTypeHitInfo.sheetArea | GC.Spread.Sheets.SheetArea type | The sheet area of the cell. |
obj.cellTypeHitInfo.isReservedLocation | boolean type | Whether point(x,y) is in special area that the cell type needs to handle. |