GrapeCity MultiRow Windows Forms Documentation
HeaderDropDownList Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see HeaderDropDownList members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyAlignmentGets or sets the horizontal alignment of the HeaderDropDownList.  
Public PropertyBackColorGets or sets the HeaderDropDownList background color.  
Public PropertyCellIndexGets or sets the cell index. The filter and sort items operate in the cells with the specified index.  
Public PropertyCellNameThe cell name of the corresponding cells. The filter and sort items operate in the cells with the specified name.  
Public PropertyDropDownWidthGets or sets the width of the drop-down portion of the HeaderDropDownList.  
Public PropertyDroppedDownGets a value that indicates whether the HeaderDropDownList is open.  
Public PropertyEndRowGets or sets the cell index of the end row. The filter and sort items only work in cells between the StartRow and EndRow.  
Public PropertyFontGets or sets the font of the text displayed in the HeaderDropDownList.  
Public PropertyForeColorGets or sets the HeaderDropDownList foreground color.  
Public PropertyGcMultiRowGets the relative GcMultiRow control.  
Public PropertyHighlightBackColorGets or sets the HeaderDropDownList highlight background color.  
Public PropertyHighlightForeColorGets or sets the HeaderDropDownList highlight foreground color.  
Public PropertyItemsGets the collection of items within the HeaderDropDownList.  
Public PropertyMaxDropDownItemsGets or sets the maximum number of items to be shown in the drop-down portion of HeaderDropDownList.  
Public PropertyOwnerGets the ColumnHeaderCell that indicates the owner of the HeaderDropDownList.  
Public PropertyStartRowGets or sets the start row index. The filter and sort items only operate on the cells between StartRow and EndRow.  
See Also


HeaderDropDownList Class
GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow Namespace
DropDownList Property
DropDownItem Class
DropDownItemCollection Class



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