ComponentOne Scheduler for ASP.NET: Design-Time Support in Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX

Design-Time Support in Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX

C1Schedule provides visual editing to make it easier to create a scheduling application. The following section details each type of support available in ComponentOne Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX.

Invoking the Smart Tag

The C1Schedule Tasks menu represents a short-cut menu that provides access to the most commonly used properties in the control. You can invoke each control's smart tag by clicking on the smart tag () in the upper-right corner of the control. For more information on how to use the smart tags for each control in Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX, see C1Schedule Smart Tag.

Showing the C1Schedule Control's Properties and Events

You can access the properties and events for the C1Schedule control simply by right-clicking the control and selecting Properties or by selecting the control from the drop-down list box of the Visual Studio Properties window. To access events, click the lightning bolt Events icon in the Properties window.

C1Schedule Smart Tag

C1Schedule Context Menu

C1Schedule Properties Window

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