ActiveReports 9 Server End User Guide
How To

This section provides quick answers to your questions about how to perform specific tasks with ActiveReports 9 Server.

Add or Remove reports from My Favorites
This topic explains how to add or remove your reports from My Favorites.
Add Page Numbering
This topic explains how to quickly add page numbering to your reports.
Create a Table Report
This topic explains how to create a basic tabular report.
Make a Summary Report
This topic explains how to hide the details in a tabular report to show only group totals.
Create a Chart Report 
This topic explains how to create a basic chart report.
Toggle the Chart Legend 
This topic explains how to show or hide the legend for a chart.
Publish Reports
This topic explains how to publish your reports and distribute them to users in different formats.
Create a Drill-Down Report
This topic walks you through the steps to create a drill-down report using Table grouping.
Create a Drill-Through Link
This topic walks you through the steps to create a drill-down report using Table grouping.
Display the Report Name
This topic shows you how to quickly display the report name in your report so that it updates automatically.
Display the Report Run Date
This topic explains how to quickly add the report run date to the report.
Display the Parameter Value
This topic shows you how to display the parameter value used for the report.
Concatenate Two Values in One Table Cell
This topic walks you through adding two attributes, first and last name, to a single textbox in a table, and editing static text.
See Also

Getting Started



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