ActiveReports 9 Server End User Guide
Create a Drill-Down Report

You can set up table groups to collapse, so that users can drill down into the data they choose to view. In order to collapse a group, it must have a header and a nested group. When the report is initially displayed, the header rows display the groups with plus sign icons that you can click to display the detail data from the nested group.

To create a drill-down report

  1. From the Entity Tree, drag the Artist entity and drop it onto the report.
  2. In the Select a Table box that appears, click Table. A table is created with a single column and a Name header.
  3. If they are not already in view, click the table to reveal the adorners.
  4. Move your mouse to the adorner above the Name header and click the right arrow. This adds a new column to the right.
  5. In the detail row of the new column, click the field selector icon, and in the available fields that drop down, expand the Albums node and double-click Title. The header displays Title and the detail row shows the data for this field.
  6. In the Group adorner, the Artist group is without a header row by default. Click the drop-down arrow and select with a header row. (Without a header row, you cannot collapse the group.)
  7. When you mouse over the expanded property, a drop-down arrow appears to the right. Click the arrow and select collapsible.
  8. Below the Artist group, click Add a group. In the available fields that drop down, double-click Artist. (Without a second group, you cannot collapse the main group.)
  9. Open the new group and change with a header row to without a header row. This removes a redundant row from the report.
  10. Click in the detail row of the Name column, and press the Backspace key so that the artist name does not appear on every line when the details are expanded.

When you view the report, the collapsible group's header rows display with a plus sign icon to the left of them. Click the icon to expand the group and show any associated details.

See Also




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