Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSGetAppearance, SSSetAppearance Functions
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SSGetAppearance, SSSetAppearance Functions

See Also    ActiveX

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Set or return a predefined border style for the control.



WORD SSGetAppearance(HWND hWnd);

WORD SSSetAppearance(HWND hWnd, WORD wAppearance);


WORD TSpread::GetAppearance( );

WORD TSpread::SetAppearance(WORD wAppearance);


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
wAppearance Specifies the predefined appearance to display
Use one of the following values:
Constant Description
SS_APPEARANCE_FLAT Creates a control with an outline border and no inner or outer three-dimensional borders, similar to Windows 3.1 and Windows NT 3.5
SS_APPEARANCE_3D Creates a control with inner and outer three-dimensional borders and no outline border, similar to Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT 4.0 and later
SS_APPEARANCE_3DWITHBORDER Creates a control with an outline border and inner and outer three-dimensional borders
SS_APPEARANCE_DEFAULT (Default) Creates a control that displays the appearance specified by the WS_BORDER style and the extended styles


The SSSetAppearance function lets you specify a predefined border style for the control. By default, the control displays an appearance similar to those specified by the operating environment. However, you can change that appearance, as described in the preceding table.

Return Value

SSGetAppearance: The appearance style for the control.
SSSetAppearance: The previous setting for the appearance style.

See Also

Changing the Three-Dimensional Appearance

ActiveX Correspondence

Appearance property

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