Spread 8.0 Documentation
SavePictureBuffer Method
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SavePictureBuffer Method

See Also    DLL    Example

Applies To

fpSpread control


Saves a picture to a buffer.



BOOL CSpreadSheet::SavePictureBuffer(LPDISPATCH Picture, long PictType, VARIANT* Buffer, VARIANT* Size);

Visual Basic

fpSpread.SavePictureBuffer(ByVal Picture As StdPicture, ByVal PictType As PictureTypeConstants, Buffer, Size) As Boolean


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
Picture Picture to save to buffer
PictType Graphic type of file to save
Can be one of the following:
Constant Value Description
PictureTypeBMP 1 Windows Bitmap graphic
PictureTypeGIF 2 Graphics Interchange Format graphic
PictureTypeJPEG 3 Joint Photographic Experts Group graphic
PictureTypePNG 4 Portable Network Graphic graphic
PictureTypeICO 5 Windows Icon graphic
PictureTypeTIFF 6 Tagged Image File Format graphic
PictureTypeTGA 7 Truevision Targa graphic
PictureTypePCX 8 Paintbrush graphics file graphic
PictureTypeWBMP 9 Wireless Bitmap Format graphic (converted to monochrome)
PictureTypeJP2 11 JPEG 2000 graphic
PictureTypeJPC 12 JPEG 2000 graphic
Buffer Buffer to which to save the picture
Size Size of the buffer


Use this method to save a picture to a buffer.

If you use this method with a picture cell type and there are multiple sheets, set the Sheet property to specify the sheet with which you want to work.

Return Type

True if successful; otherwise, False.

See Also

Creating Picture Cells

Sheet property

LoadPicture, LoadPictureBuffer, LoadResPicture, SavePicture methods

DLL Correspondence

SSSavePictureBuffer function

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