Spread 8.0 Documentation
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Glossary Item Box


To create and set up a combo box cell

At run time,

  1. If your control contains more than one sheet, specify the sheet with which you want to work by setting the Sheet property.
  2. Set the Col, Col2, Row, and Row2 properties as appropriate.
  3. If you are selecting a block of cells, set the BlockMode property to True.
  4. Set the CellType property to 8 (Combo Box).
  5. If you want to allow users to type one or more characters to search for an item in the list,
    1. Set the TypeComboBoxEditable property to False.
    2. Set the TypeComboBoxAutoSearch property to a value other than 0 (None).
  6. If you want the combo box to act as a drop-down combo box, set the TypeComboBoxEditable property to True.
  7. Specify the horizontal and vertical alignment of the text in the edit field with the TypeHAlign and TypeVAlign properties.
  8. Provide list items for the combo box by providing a string of tab-delimited items using the TypeComboBoxList property.
  9. Specify the maximum number of characters allowed in the cell using the TypeMaxEditLen property.
  10. Specify the number of rows in the drop-down list with the TypeComboBoxMaxDrop property.
  11. If you selected a block of cells, set the BlockMode property back to False.
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