| Class | Description |
| AnnotationBase | Represents the base class of annotations for the AnnotationLayer. |
| AnnotationLayer<T> | Define an extender to set the annotation layer for FlexChart and FinancialChart. |
| AutoComplete<T> | The AutoComplete control is an input control that allows callers to customize the item list as the user types. |
| AutoCompleteBase<T> | The base class for AutoComplete and MultiAutoComplete. |
| AutoGridGroup | Defines a class represents the group for the auto grid layout. |
| AutoGridLayout | Defines a class represents the auto grid layout, in which the tiles render one by one without overlapping. |
| AutoGridTile | Defines a class represents the tile for the auto grid layout. |
| BaseCollectionViewService<T> | Defines the base class for all the collectionview services. |
| BaseODataCollectionViewService<T> | Defines the base class for the collectionview used to bind OData service. |
| BatchOperatingData<T> | |
| BoxWhisker<T> | BoxWhisker series is normally used to compare distributions between different sets of numerical data. |
| BulletGraph | The BulletGraph is a type of linear gauge designed specifically for use |
| C1AntiForgeryTokenAttribute | C1AntiForgeryTokenAttribute provides support for MVC AntiForgency feature |
| C1JsonRequestAttribute | Custom model binder attribute for C1 json request data. |
| C1JsonRequestModelBinder | Custom model binder for C1 json request data. |
| Calendar | The Calendar control displays a one-month calendar and allows users to select a date. |
| CallbackManager | Callback manager. |
| CellTemplate | Define the cell template class. |
| ChartAnimation<T> | Define an extender to provide built-in animation while loading and updating the chart. |
| ChartAxis<T> | Represents chart axis. |
| ChartGestures<T> | Define an extender to allow the user to zoom or pan on the specified FlexChart. |
| ChartLegend | Represents the chart legend. |
| ChartSeries<T> | Represents a series of data points to display in the chart. |
| ChartSeriesBase<T> | Represents a series of data points to display in the chart. |
| ChartTooltip | Represents chart tooltip. |
| Circle | Represents a circle annotation for AnnotationLayer. |
| CollectionViewBatchEditRequest<T> | Define the request data for batch updating. |
| CollectionViewEditRequest<T> | The request data for editing which is passed from client side. |
| CollectionViewHelper | Supports the read and write processing of the request from the client-side CollectionView. |
| CollectionViewItemResult<T> | The result of operating a CollectionView item. |
| CollectionViewRequest<T> | The request data which is passed from client side. |
| CollectionViewResponse<T> | The response data of CollectionView. |
| ColorPicker | The ColorPicker control allows users to select a color by clicking on panels to adjust color channels (hue, saturation, brightness, alpha). |
| Column | Represents a column on the grid. |
| ColumnBase | Represents a column on the grid. |
| ColumnFilter | Defines a filter for a column on a FlexGrid control. |
| ColumnInfo | Represents a column info that describes a column on the grid. |
| ComboBox<T> | The ComboBox control allows users to pick strings from lists. The control automatically completes entries as the user types, and allows users to show a drop-down list with the items available. |
| ComboBoxBase<T> | The ComboBox control allows users to pick strings from lists. The control automatically completes entries as the user types, and allows users to show a drop-down list with the items available. |
| Component | Defines the base class for C1 MVC components. Defines the C1 MVC component class. |
| ConditionFilter | Defines a condition filter for a column. |
| Control | Defines the base class for C1 MVC controls. |
| DashboardLayout | It is a consolidated display of many views and related information in a single place. It is used to compare and monitor a variety of data simultaneously. The different data views are displayed all at once. |
| DataLabel | The point data label for FlexChart. |
| DataLabelBase | The basic type of the point data label |
| DataMap | Represents a data map for use with the column's DataMap property. |
| DataMapInfo | Represents a data map info for use with the ColumnInfo's DataMap property. |
| DataPoint | Class that represents a data point (with x and y coordinates). |
| DropDown | DropDown control (abstract) contains an input element and a button used to show or hide the drop-down. |
| DropDown<T> | DropDown control (abstract) contains an input element and a button used to show or hide the drop-down. |
| Ellipse | Represents an ellipse annotation for AnnotationLayer. |
| ErrorBar<T> | The ErrorBar series helps you see margins of error and standard deviations at a glance. They can be shown as a standard error amount, a percentage, or a standard deviation. You can also set your own values to display the exact error amounts you want. |
| ErrorTooltip | Represents Error tooltip. |
| ExtraOptions | Extra options for FlexChart. |
| ExtraSeries<T> | Represents a series of data points to display in the chart. |
| FilterCondition | Defines a filter condition. |
| FlexChart<T> | The FlexChart control provides a powerful and flexible way to visualize data. |
| FlexChartBase<T> | The base class of flex chart. |
| FlexChartCore<T> | |
| FlexGrid<T> | The FlexGrid control provides a powerful and flexible way to display and edit data in a tabular format. |
| FlexGridBase<T> | The FlexGrid control provides a powerful and flexible way to display and edit data in a tabular format. |
| FlexGridDetailProvider<T> | Define an extender used to set the FlexGridDetailProvider . |
| FlexGridFilter<T> | Define an extender used to set the flexgrid filter. |
| FlexGridGroupPanel<T> | Define an extender used to set the flexgrid group panel. |
| FlexPie<T> | The FlexPie control provides pie and doughnut charts with selectable slices. |
| FlexPieBase<T> | The base class of flex pie. |
| FlexRadar<T> | Radar chart control. |
| FlexRadarSeries<T> | Represents a series of data points to display in the chart. |
| FlowLayout | Defines a class represents the flow layout. |
| FlowTile | Defines a class represents the tile in the flow layout. |
| FormInputBase | The base class for all form input controls. |
| FunctionSeries<T> | Represents an extension of the FunctionSeries for the FlexChart. |
| FunnelOptions | Options for Funnel chart. |
| Gauge | Base Gauge control. |
| GridLayout | Defines the base class represents the grid layout. |
| GridTile | Defines the base class represents the tile for the grid layout. |
| Group | Defines a base class for the group items. |
| GroupDescription | Represents a base class for types defining grouping conditions. Represents a base class for types defining grouping conditions. |
| HeaderTemplate | Template for custom header table. |
| HeaderTemplateCell | Represents a item for the GroupHeaderTemplate. |
| Image | Define an image annotation for AnnotationLayer. |
| InputBase | The base class for all input controls. |
| InputColor | The InputColor control allows users to select colors by typing in HTML-supported color strings, or to pick colors from a drop-down that shows a ColorPicker control. |
| InputDate | The control allows users to type in dates using any format supported by the Globalize class, or to pick dates from a drop-down box that shows a Calendar control. |
| InputDateBase | The base class for the controls which allow the users to type in dates. |
| InputDateTime | The control allows users to input dates and times, either by typing complete date/time values in any format supported, or by picking dates from a drop-down calendar and times from a drop-down list. |
| InputMask | The InputMask control provides a way to govern what a user is allowed to input. |
| InputNumber | The InputNumber control allows users to enter numbers. |
| InputTime<T> | The InputTime control allows users to enter times using any format supported by the Globalize class, or to pick times from a drop-down list. |
| ItemsBoundControl<T> | Defines the base class for C1 bound controls. |
| LayoutBase | Defines the base class for the layouts. |
| Line | Represents a line annotation for AnnotationLayer. |
| LinearGauge | The LinearGauge displays a linear scale with an indicator |
| LinearGaugeBase | The LinearGauge displays a linear scale with an indicator |
| LineMarker<T> | |
| ListBox<T> | The ListBox control displays a list of items which may contain plain text or HTML, and allows users to select items with the mouse or the keyboard. |
| ManualGridGroup | Defines a class represents the group for the manual grid layout. |
| ManualGridLayout | Defines a class represents the manual grid layout, in which the items rendered in the specified position. |
| ManualGridTile | Defines a class represents the tile for the manual grid layout. |
| Menu | The Menu control shows a text element with a drop-down list of commands that the user can invoke by click or touch. |
| MenuBase<T> | The Menu control shows a text element with a drop-down list of commands that the user can invoke by click or touch. |
| MenuCommand | Represents the action for the MenuItem to execute. |
| MenuItem | Represents the items displayed in the Menu. |
| ModelBinderBase | Defines a base class of model binder for customizing. |
| MovingAverage<T> | Represents an extension of the MovingAverage Series for the FlexChart. |
| MultiAutoComplete<T> | A control control allows users to pick items from lists that contain custom objects or simple strings. |
| MultiSelect<T> | The MultiSelect control allows users to select multiple items from drop-down lists that contain custom objects or simple strings. |
| ODataCollectionViewService<T> | |
| ODataVirtualCollectionViewService<T> | Defines a class to support loading data from the OData service on demand. |
| OperationResult | The result of an operation. The result of an operation. |
| Pager | The Pager control can bind to a data control or CollectionView service to support page navigation. |
| ParametricFunctionSeries<T> | Represents a parametric extension of the FunctionSeries for the FlexChart. |
| PieDataLabel | The point data label for FlexPie. |
| PlotArea | Represents a plot area on the chart. |
| Polygon | Represents a polygon annotation for AnnotationLayer. |
| Popup | The class that shows an element as a popup. |
| PropertyGroupDescription | Describes the grouping of items using a property name as the criterion. Describes the grouping of items using a property name as the criterion. |
| RadialGauge | The RadialGauge displays a circular scale with an indicator |
| Range | Defines ranges to be used with Gauge controls. |
| RangeSelector<T> | |
| Rectangle | Represents a rectangle annotation for AnnotationLayer. |
| Shape | Represents a base class of shape annotations for the AnnotationLayer. |
| SortDescription | Sort description. |
| SplitGroup | Defines a class represents the group for the split layout. |
| SplitLayout | Defines a class represents the split layout. |
| SplitTile | Defines a class represents the tile for the split layout. |
| Square | Represents a square annotation for the AnnotationLayer. |
| Sunburst<T> | The Sunburst control displays hierarhical data as multi-level pie charts. |
| SVGStyle | Defines a class for the svg style. Represents SVG styles. |
| Tab | Represents a tab within a TabPanel control. |
| TabPanel | Defines a control which enables content organization at a high level, such as switching between views, data sets, or functional aspects of an application. |
| Text | Represents a text annotation for the AnnotationLayer. |
| Themes | Defines the names of supported themes. |
| Tile | Defines a class for the tile items. |
| TitleStyle | The Style of title in FlexChart and FlexPie |
| TooltipBase | The base class of Tooltip. |
| TreeMap<T> | It displays hierarchical (tree-structured) data as a set of nested rectangles. |
| TreeMapItemStyle | Defines the colors used for an item in TreeMap<T>. |
| TreeNode | Represents a node in TreeView. |
| TreeView | Defines a control which displays a hierarchical list which may contain text, checkboxes, images, or arbitrary HTML content. |
| TrendLine<T> | Represents an extension of the TrendLine Series for the FlexChart. |
| TrendLineBase<T> | Represents base class for various trend lines. |
| ValueFilter | Defines a value filter for a column. |
| Waterfall<T> | Waterfall series is normally used to demonstrate how the starting position either increases or decreases through a series of changes. |
| WaterfallStyles | Supported styles in Waterfall series |
| YFunctionSeries<T> | Represents an extension of the YFunctionSeries for the FlexChart. |