GrapeCity MultiRow Windows Forms Documentation
What's New in the Designer

This section describes the new features of the MultiRow Designer.

Setting User-Defined Objects

You can call derived classes of user-defined shortcut keys and cell styles from the GUI. In 6.0, user-defined objects had to be set in code, but in 7.0, user-defined objects can easily be set using the following setting dialog.

Smart Tags for Cells

Smart tags are supported in each cell that is placed in the template. You can use these smart tags to easily set the key properties of the cells.

Smart Tags of Cells

Reminder Feature for GDI+ Settings

When you change the following properties to configure GDI +, you can display the GDI + Properties Confirming dialog box, and automatically perform the settings for which GDI+ is enabled.

Reminder Feature During GDI+ Settings

The conditions for displaying the GDI + Properties Confirming dialog are as follows:

Property Show Dialog Hide Dialog
TextVertical True Inherit or False
TextAdjustment Other than Inherit or Near Inherit or Near
LineAdjustment Distribute or DistributeWithSpace Inherit or None
TextAngle Other than NaN Nan or 0

Enhancement of the Property Settings Dialog

You can visually set the position and font effects for the text to be placed in the cell, from the properties window.

Enhancement of Property Settings Dialog

Enhancement of the Table Feature

The following enhancements have been made in the Table.

Inline Editing of Cells

You can perform inline editing of the Value property, by double-clicking a cell on the template.

Properties that support inline editing are as follows:

Cell Target Property
CheckBoxCell Text
Other Cells Value

Editing Multi-line Text

You can enter text in multiple rows from the Properties window.

Editing Multi-line Text

The properties that support multi-line text are as follows:

Conversion from DataGridView

The layout set in a DataGridView control can be converted to a GcMultiRow template. You can freely change the layout of the Template after the conversion, in the designer.

For more information, refer to Conversion from DataGridView.

Focus Flow

The focus flow is displayed in accordance with the tab order of the cell. Since the focus flow can be changed by mouse drag, you can visually set the tab order.

For more information, refer to Changing Tab Order of Cells in the Designer.

Changing the Index

In the context menu that appears by right-clicking on the designer, you can automatically set the tab order and index of the cell.

Changing the Index

Selecting the Data Type

You can select the data type in the Cell.Value property, in the Properties window.

Selecting the Data Type

The properties that support selection of data type are as follows:

Enhancement of the Template Wizard

You can create a basic column mode template, using the Template Wizard.

For details, refer to Create Template using Wizard.

Enhancement of the Toolbar

The following commands have been added to the toolbar:



You can use annotations at design time.

For more information, refer to Using Annotations.

Enhancement of Template PropertyList

You can freeze the columns of the Template PropertyList. You can also display CellIndex in the Template PropertyList.

Object Selector

In the context menu that appears by right-clicking on the designer, you can select an object which is in a non-selected state.

Object Selector

Copy of the Default Template

When the default template is set in the GcMultiRow control, and you select Edit Template from the smart tag of the control, you can specify whether you want to create a copy of the default template.

Copy of the Default Template

Cell Selection Range Mode

You can change the range selection mode by selecting the cell by dragging the mouse or ruler.

For more information, refer to Selecting Cells in the Designer.

Zooming Cell Borders

Using AllowBorderLineZoom of Designer Options, you can specify whether you want to zoom the border lines, when zooming the template in the designer.

Named Cell Style Manager

If the named cell style is used in any of the following styles, the usage status is now displayed in the named cell style manager.

Recognizing the Cell Name Without Distinction Between Upper or Lower Case

When the Template.AllowCellNameComparisonIgnoreCase property is set to True, the cell name (Cell.Name property) can be recognized without distinction between upper or lower case.

Using Code

This example ignores the case in the cell name.


Imports GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow 
Dim textBoxCell1 As New TextBoxCell() 
textBoxCell1.Name = "textBoxCell1" 
Dim template1 As Template = Template.CreateGridTemplate(New Cell() {textBoxCell1}) 
template1.AllowCellNameComparisonIgnoreCase = True 
GcMultiRow1.Template = template1 
GcMultiRow1.RowCount = 3 
GcMultiRow1.Rows(0).Cells("textBoxCell1").Value = "ABC" 
GcMultiRow1.Rows(0).Cells("TextBoxCell1").Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow
GcMultiRow1.Rows(0).Cells("textboxcell1").Style.ForeColor = Color.Red


using GrapeCity.Win.MultiRow; 
TextBoxCell textBoxCell1 = new TextBoxCell(); 
textBoxCell1.Name = "textBoxCell1"; 
Template template1 = Template.CreateGridTemplate(new Cell[] { textBoxCell1 });
template1.AllowCellNameComparisonIgnoreCase = true; 
gcMultiRow1.Template = template1; 
gcMultiRow1.RowCount = 3; 
gcMultiRow1.Rows[0].Cells["textBoxCell1"].Value = "ABC"; 
gcMultiRow1.Rows[0].Cells["TextBoxCell1"].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow; 
gcMultiRow1.Rows[0].Cells["textboxcell1"].Style.ForeColor = Color.Red;
See Also



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