ComponentOne Menu for ASP.NET AJAX: Menu Item Types > Separator Items

Separator Items

Separator items are the horizontal or vertical dividing lines that visually separate groups of related items on a drop-down menu, submenu, grouped menu, or context menu. A horizontal line is used on horizontal menus and a vertical line is used on vertical menus. Separators are also known as delimiters. Proper use of separators can help chunk the information on a menu and make it easier to memorize. Styling such as the height, width, padding, etc, can be applied to horizontal or vertical separators through CSS styles.

To add a separator item between menu items, set the Separator property to True.

The following table lists the elements that can be styled for the horizontal or vertical separator:


Separator Item Style

CSS Selector


Vertical Separator

.C1Menu_VisualStyleName .c1-v-flow span.C1Separator

Common styles such as height, width, padding, background, and margin can be applied to the vertical separator by assigning the .C1Menu_VisualStyle .c1-v-flow span.C1Separator selector.

Horizontal Separator

.C1Menu_VisualStyleName .c1-h-flow span.C1Separator

Common styles such as height, width, padding, background, and margin can be applied to the horizontal separator by assigning the .C1Menu_VisualStyle .c1-h-flow span.C1Separator selector.

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