ComponentOne Menu for ASP.NET AJAX: Menu Item Types

Menu Item Types

C1Menu control is made up of a tree of menu items represented by C1MenuItemBase and C1MenuItem objects. The C1MenuItemBase object represents all menu item types: link items, header items, separator items, and group items. The C1MenuItem object represents link type items and provides the following three properties specific to link items: NavigateUrl property, Target property, and Text property.

Menu items at the top level hierarchy (level 0) are called menu items. A menu item that has a parent menu item is called a child menu item. All menu items and child menu items are stored in the Items collection. C1Menu’s items can be a link item, header item, group item, or separator item. The default menu item is a link item. To create a group item, header item or separator item, the Group, Header, or Separator is set to true.

Link Items

Header Items

Group Items

Separator Items

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