ComponentOne Menu for ASP.NET AJAX: Menu Item Types > Group Items

Group Items

Group items are used for larger menus that include multiple lists of items with distinct categories. A group item is defined when Group property is set to true. A group item acts like a container to hold related menu items in a group. Unlike link items, the text doesn’t appear on the group menu item. There are no styles or states for group items.

A group item can contain group, link, separator, and header child items. Link items and header items are the two common items used within a group item. Good usage of group items can help facilitate scanning and memory.

The following table lists the elements that can be styled for the horizontal or vertical subgroup menu:


Separator Item Style

CSS Selector


Vertical Subgroup

.C1Menu_VisualStyleName .c1-v-flow .C1SubGroup

Common styles such as height, width, padding, background, and margin can be applied to the vertical subgroup by assigning its selector.

Horizontal Subgroup

.C1Menu_VisualStyleName .c1-h-flow .C1SubGroup

Common styles such as height, width, padding, background, and margin can be applied to the horizontal subgroup by assigning its selector.

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