ComponentOne Scheduler for ASP.NET: Working with Scheduler for ASP.NET AJAX > Appointments > Availability Status > Assigning Predefined Statuses to an Appointment

Assigning Predefined Statuses to an Appointment

Availability status can be assigned at run time in the Appointment dialog box through the Availability drop-down list or by adding code to the form at design time.

To assign a contact at run time:

1.   Add a new or open an existing appointment.

2.   In the Appointment dialog box, click the drop-down arrow next to Availability and select one of the statuses.

To assign a status programmatically:

The following code, added the Page_Load event, assigns a Tentative status to an appointment at design time:

      Visual Basic

' Add a new appointment.

Dim app As C1.C1Schedule.Appointment

app = Me.C1Schedule1.DataStorage.AppointmentStorage.Appointments.Add()


' Set some details for the appointment.

app.Subject = "Meeting"

app.Location = "Large Conference Room"

app.Duration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(45)

app.Start = New Date(2009, 3, 21, 11, 30, 0)


' Assign a predefined availability status to the appointment.

app.BusyStatus = Me.C1Schedule1.DataStorage.StatusStorage.Statuses(C1.C1Schedule.StatusTypeEnum.Tentative)

' OR app.BusyStatus = Me.C1Schedule1.DataStorage.StatusStorage.Statuses.Item(3)


// Add a new appointment.

C1.C1Schedule.Appointment app;

app = this.C1Schedule1.DataStorage.AppointmentStorage.Appointments.Add();


// Set some details for the appointment.

app.Subject = "Meeting";

app.Location = "Large Conference Room";

app.Duration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(45);

app.Start = new DateTime(2009, 3, 21, 11, 30, 0);


// Assign a predefined availability status to the appointment.

app.BusyStatus = this.C1Schedule1.DataStorage.StatusStorage.Statuses[C1.C1Schedule.StatusTypeEnum.Tentative];

// OR app.BusyStatus = this.c1Schedule1.DataStorage.StatusStorage.Statuses[3];

Note that either the StatusTypeEnum enumeration or the Index can be used to set the status availability.

When you run the application, the status is assigned to the appointment.

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