Wijmo UI for the Web
Candle Formatting
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Chart Widgets > CandlestickChart > CandlestickChart Concepts > Candle Formatting

There are a couple of ways to format the candles in a CandlestickChart widget using style options. There are two parts of the API that give you access to the format of the candles: the seriesStyles and candlestickFormatter options. Additionally, you can change the format when the user hovers the cursor over a candle using the seriesHoverStyles option. These options give you access to each part of the candle.

A good use of candle formatting is to create a condition based on whether the stock price for each candle is rising or falling, and set the color of the body of the candle accordingly. You can see this in action in the How To Conditionally Change Formats topic.


A data point in each type of CandlestickChart is composed of a different set of elements. The elements are represented by obj.eles, and the data for the elements are represented by obj.data. Here is a table of the types and the elements that make them up.

Type Elements (obj.eles) Data (obj.data)
candlestick high The top of the wick line of the candle.
low The bottom of the wick line or tail of the candle.
openClose The top to bottom of the body of the candle.
ohlc open The horizontal line to the left of the body of the candle.
close The horizontal line to the right of the body of the candle.
highLow The top to bottom of the body of the candle.
hl highLow The top to bottom of the body of the candle. high

Here are code examples with each type of chart.

Example code for candlestick type

Use in the wijcandlestickchart script inside the document ready function
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candlestickFormatter: function (obj) {
    var eles = obj.eles,
        data = obj.data,
        open = data.open,
        high = data.high,
        low = data.low,
        close = data.close,
        highEle = eles.high,
        lowEle = eles.low,
        openCloseEle = eles.openClose,
        style = {};

    if (open > close) {
        style.fill = "Red";
        style.stroke = style.fill;
    else {
        style.fill = "Green";
        style.stroke = style.fill;

Example code for ohlc type

Use in the wijcandlestickchart script inside the document ready function
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candlestickFormatter: function (obj) {
    var eles = obj.eles,
        data = obj.data,
        open = data.open,
        close = data.close,
        hlEl = eles.highLow,
        oEl = eles.open,
        cEl = eles.close,
        style = {};

    if (open > close) {
        style.stroke = "rgb(96,189,104)";
    else {
        style.stroke = "rgb(241,88,84)";

Example code for hl type

Use in the wijcandlestickchart script inside the document ready function
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candlestickFormatter: function (obj) {
    var eles = obj.eles,
        data = obj.data,
        high = data.high,
        low = data.low,
        hlEle = eles.highLow,
        style = {};

    if (high - low > 5) {
        style.stroke = "rgb(96,189,104)";
    else {
        style.stroke = "rgb(241,88,84)";

seriesStyles and seriesHoverStyles

For each series in the chart, you can use a different set of seriesStyles and seriesHoverStyles. Here are the available styles for each chart type.

Type Style Names
candlestick highLow The style to use on the top to bottom wick line, or wick and tail, of the candle.
fallingClose The style to use for the body of the candle when the closing value is lower than the opening value.
risingClose The style to use for the body of the candle when the closing value is higher than the opening value.
unchangeClose The style to use for the body of the candle when the closing value is the same as the opening value.
ohlc open The style to use for the horizontal line to the left of the body of the candle.
close The style to use for the horizontal line to the right of the body of the candle.
highLow The style to use for the body of the candle.
hl highLow The style to use for the body of the candle.

Here are code examples with each type of chart.

Example code for candlestick type

Use in the wijcandlestickchart script inside the document ready function
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seriesStyles: [{
    highLow: {fill: "Gray"},
    fallingClose: {fill: "Red"},
    risingClose: {fill: "Green"},
    unchangeClose: {fill: "Yellow"}

Example code for ohlc type

Use in the wijcandlestickchart script inside the document ready function
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seriesStyles: [{
    open: {},
    close: {},
    highLow: {fill: "#88bde6"}

Example code for hl type

Use in the wijcandlestickchart script inside the document ready function
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seriesStyles: [{
    highLow: {fill: "#88bde6"}
See Also

How To

