Wijmo UI for the Web
Chart Widgets
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Chart Widgets

Wijmo includes a number of chart widgets that you can use to show data visually in your web UI. These widgets allow you to display data as bars, bubbles, candlesticks, lines, pie wedges, scattered points, or a composite of these types, depending on the type of data you need to display. The wijchart widgets are created using the following libraries: 

The jquery.wijmo.wijchartcore.js library is a sharable base library.

For a listing of all of the options, methods, and events available on these widgets, please see the API docs for wijchartcore.

Click each of the following widget sections for an overview and the markup to create each one, plus a number of how-to and conceptual topics. 

Name Description
TrendLines Learn to add a trend line to any of the chart widgets (except for the PieChart).
BarChart Learn to use a bar chart to compare values of items across categories.
BubbleChart Learn to use a bubble chart to present data similar to a scatter chart, but with a third data value that determines the size of the bubble.
CandlestickChart Learn to use a candlestick chart to present stock information with high, low, open, and close values.
CompositeChart Learn to present data in a number of chart types on a single set of axes.
LineChart Learn to use a line chart to compare data trends over a period of time or across categories.
PieChart Learn to use a pie chart to show how much each data value contributes to the total.
ScatterChart Learn to use a scatter chart to display and compare numeric values like engineering, scientific, or statistical data.

See Also