Wijmo UI for the Web
Style Options
Wijmo User Guide > Concepts > Themes and Styles > Style Options

All of the style options for the widgets use the same parameters to set the appearance.


The fill parameter sets the fill color, gradient, or image. The fill color can be set using named colors, or hexadecimal or rgb color codes.
To see the gradient parameter at work, see the Barchart Quick Start.
Type: String
Example: {fill: "black"}


The fill-opacity parameter sets a number that specifies the percentage of opacity of the label text. A value of 0.5 (50%) or less allows you to view grid lines or a background image through the element.
Type: Number
Example: {"fill-opacity": 0.5}


The font parameter is a string value that allows you to specify all of the font properties for the label text in one declaration. You can set four properties in the string:
  • font-style (normal, italic, oblique)
  • font-weight (bold)
  • font-size (number of pixels)
  • font-family (name: "Verdana" or "Arial", generic: "serif" or "sans-serif")
The values in the string are separated by spaces only, with one exception: separate an alternate value for the font family with a comma.
Type: String
Syntax: "style variant weight size/lineHeight family"
Example: {font: "italic bold 15px Georgia, serif"}


The font-family parameter is a string that specifies the name or generic font family to use for the text. You can specify a font to use, such as Georgia or Arial, then after a comma, specify a generic font family, such as sans-serif, to use in cases where the named font is not available.
Type: String
Example: {"font-family": "Georgia, serif"}


The font-size parameter is a numeric value that specifies the font size in pixels.
Type: Number
Example: {"font-size": 20}


The font-weight parameter specifies the thickness of the letters.
Type: String
Valid values: normal, bold, bolder, lighter 
Example: {"font-weight": "bolder"}


The opacity parameter is a number that specifies the percentage of opacity of the element. A value of 0.5 (50%) or less allows you to view grid lines or a background image through the element.
Type: Number
Example: {opacity: 0.5}


The stroke parameter is a named color, hexadecimal, or RGB color code string that specifies the color to use to outline the element. Note that this can make text thicker, and can look fuzzy on smaller font sizes.
Type: String
Example: {stroke: "purple"}


The stroke-dasharray parameter sets the type of line or border drawn around the border of the element.
Type: String
Valid values: "", "-", ".", "-.", "-..", ". ", "- ", "--", "- .", "--.", "--.."
Example: {"stroke-dasharray": "--.."}


The stroke-opacity parameter is a number that specifies the percentage of opacity of the border of the element. A value of 0.5 (50%) or less allows you to view grid lines or a background image through the element.
Type: Number
Example: {"stroke-opacity": 0.5}


The stroke-width parameter is a number that sets the thickness of the border around the element.
Type: Number
Example: {"stroke-width": 4}


An option that adds transformation to an element, but is independent of other attributes. For example, the transform option will not change the x or y axis value.
The syntax transform offers four commands that build on previous commands, plus three alternative absolute translation commands that do not take previous transformations into account.
Type: String
  • t translate
  • r rotate (has optional origin coordinates parameter, default is center)
  • s scale (has optional origin coordinates parameter, default is center)
  • m matrix (accepts six parameters)
Absolute Translation Commands:
  • T translate
  • R rotate (has optional origin coordinates parameter, default is center)
  • S scale (has optional origin coordinates parameter, default is center)
Example: chartLabelStyle: {transform: "R90T10 0"}
This script uses the transform attribute to rotate the text 90 degress (R90), and to move it 10 pixels (T10) from the origin (0).

See Also