Spread 8.0 Documentation
Cells and Cell Types
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Cells and Cell Types

By default, cells in the sheet are edit cells. You can choose to designate cells to be one of 15 available types as described in the following table.

Cell Type Description
Button Displays a button
(The button cell can contain text, graphics, or both.)
Check Box Displays a check box
Combo Box Displays a combo box and provides a list of items for display in the combo box
Currency Displays or allows editing of a formatted currency value
Custom Displays a custom cell
Date Displays or allows editing of formatted dates
Edit Displays or allows editing of text
Number Displays or allows editing of a formatted numeric value
Owner-Drawn Displays a user-defined cell type
Percent Displays or allows editing of a formatted percent value
PIC Displays or allows editing of a formatted PIC (mask)
Picture Displays a picture
Scientific Displays or allows editing of a numeric value in scientific notation
Static Text Displays non-editable, non-scrolling text
Time Displays or allows editing of a formatted time value

Each cell type presents special characteristics that you can customize for your needs. For example, you can specify maximum and minimum values, a separator character, and a format for date cells.

The following figure illustrates date cells that have the format MM/DD/YY and that have a slash character as a separator.

For more information about selecting a cell type for a cell, see Setting the Cell Type.

Individual cells can display specialized borders and background and foreground colors. You can align text in a cell, and in addition, cells can display text as overflowing into adjacent cells, if you prefer. For more information about customizing cell appearance and cell text, see Customizing Cell Borders, Allowing Cells to Overflow, and the descriptions for customizing cell types in Setting the Cell Type.

You can prevent users from interacting with a cell by locking the cell. For more information, see Locking Cells.

Cells can span other cells, or they can merge automatically if they contain the same content. For more information about spanning and merging, see Spanning Cells and Merging Cells.

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