Spread 8.0 Documentation
Support Options

Glossary Item Box


To specify print options

At run time, customize any of the following print options by setting the corresponding property or properties:

  1. Specify the page orientation used to print a sheet with the PrintOrientation property.
  2. Specify the size of the margins in twips using the PrintMarginLeft, PrintMarginRight, PrintMarginTop, and PrintMarginBottom properties.
  3. Specify whether to center the sheet on the printed page using PrintCenterOnPageH or PrintCenterOnPageV.
  4. Specify whether to print the sheet border with the PrintBorder property.
  5. Specify whether to print the column header and row header with the PrintColHeaders and PrintRowHeaders properties.
  6. Specify whether to print the shadow effect within the column header and row header with the PrintShadows property.
    Note that if you set the PrintColHeaders and PrintRowHeaders properties to False in step 4, the PrintShadows property setting will have no effect.
  7. Specify whether to print the grid lines with the PrintGrid property.
  8. Specify whether to print the colors in the sheet as they appear on the screen with the PrintColor property.
  9. Specify the print job name to display in the Print Manager when printing a sheet with the PrintJobName property.
  10. Specify the number to use to begin numbering pages using the PrintFirstPageNumber property.
  11. Specify whether pages print down then across or across then down with the PrintPageOrder property.
  12. Specify the text to display in an abort dialog box during printing with the PrintAbortMsg property.
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