Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSLogUnitsToColWidth Function
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SSLogUnitsToColWidth Function

See Also    ActiveX    Example

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Converts screen coordinates to column-width coordinates.



void SSLogUnitsToColWidth(HWND hWnd, int dUnits, LPDOUBLE lpdfColWidth);


void TSpread::LogUnitsToColWidth(short dUnits, LPDOUBLE lpWidth);


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
dUnits Screen coordinates
lpdfColWidth Pointer to variable that receives column width


The unit of measurement for the column width is based on the value of the SSSetUnitType function. The default unit of measurement is based on the system font.

See Also

SSColWidthToLogUnits, SSLogUnitsToRowHeight, SSRowHeightToLogUnits functions

ActiveX Correspondence

TwipsToColWidth method

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