Spread 8.0 Documentation
SSGetUnitType, SSSetUnitType Functions
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SSGetUnitType, SSSetUnitType Functions

See Also    ActiveX

Applies To

fpSpread DLL control


Set or return the unit type used to specify column width and row height.



WORD SSGetUnitType(HWND hWnd);

WORD SSSetUnitType(HWND hWnd, WORD wUnitType);


WORD TSpread::GetUnitType( );

WORD TSpread::SetUnitType(WORD wUnitType);


The SSGetUnitType function has the following parameter:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control

The SSSetUnitType function has the following parameters:

Parameter Description
hWnd Window handle of the fpSpread control
wUnitType New unit type
Use one of the following values:
Constant Description
SS_UNITTYPE_NORMAL Column width and row height are based on system fixed font
SS_UNITTYPE_DEFAULT Default column width and row height units
SS_UNITTYPE_TWIPS Column width and row height are measured in twips


This function is applied to the entire workbook, including all sheets in the control.

The default column width and row height measurements are based on the system fixed font and the point size of the system fixed font, respectively.

Return Value

Previous unit type (one of the values of the SSSetUnitType wUnitType parameter).

See Also

Setting Measurement Units

ActiveX Correspondence

UnitType property

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