Spread 8.0 Documentation
SetEnhancedScrollBarColors Method
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ActiveX Reference > ActiveX Methods > SetEnhancedScrollBarColors Method

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SetEnhancedScrollBarColors Method

See Also    DLL    Example

Applies To

fpSpread control


Sets the background colors for the scroll bars.



BOOL CSpreadSheet::SetEnhancedScrollbarColors(long clrTrackColor, long clrArrowColor, long clrUpperNormalStartColor, long clrUpperNormalEndColor,long clrLowerNormalStartColor, long clrLowerNormalEndColor,long clrUpperPushedStartColor, long clrUpperPushedEndColor,long clrLowerPushedStartColor, long clrLowerPushedEndColor,long clrUpperHoverStartColor,long clrUpperHoverEndColor,long clrLowerHoverStartColor,long clrLowerHoverEndColor,long clrHoverButtonBorderColor,long clrButtonBorderColor);

Visual Basic

fpSpread.SetEnhancedScrollbarColors(ByVal clrTrackColor As Long, ByVal clrArrowColor As Long, ByVal clrUpperNormalStartColor As Long, ByVal clrUpperNormalEndColor As Long, ByVal clrLowerNormalStartColor As Long, ByVal clrLowerNormalEndColor As Long, ByVal clrUpperPushedStartColor As Long, ByVal clrUpperPushedEndColor As Long, ByVal clrLowerPushedStartColor As Long, ByVal clrLowerPushedEndColor As Long,ByVal clrUpperHoverStartColor As Long,ByVal clrUpperHoverEndColor As Long,ByVal clrLowerHoverStartColor As Long,ByVal clrLowerHoverEndColor As Long,ByVal clrHoverButtonBorderColor As Long,ByVal clrButtonBorderColor As Long) As Boolean


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
clrTrackColor Background color of the track area of the scroll bar (default value is RGB(115,150,190)
clrArrowColor Background color of the up or down arrows (default value is RGB(66,75,99)
clrUpperNormalStartColor Beginning gradient color in the top/left half of the scroll bar buttons (default value is RGB(215,230,247)
clrUpperNormalEndColor Ending gradient color in the top/left half of the scroll bar buttons (default value is RGB(217,231,249)
clrLowerNormalStartColor Beginning gradient color in the lower/right half of the scroll bar buttons (default value is RGB(190,212,241)
clrLowerNormalEndColor Ending gradient color in the lower/right half of the scroll bar buttons (default value is RGB(195,214,242)
clrUpperPushedStartColor Beginning gradient color in the top/left half of the scroll bar button when pressed (default value is RGB(161,186,221)
clrUpperPushedEndColor Ending gradient color in the top/left half of the scroll bar button when pressed (default value is RGB(170,185,205)
clrLowerPushedStartColor Beginning gradient color in the lower/right half of the scroll bar button when pressed (default value is RGB(60,110,175)
clrLowerPushedEndColor Ending gradient color in the lower/right half of the scroll bar button when pressed (default value is RGB(85,105,145)
clrUpperHoverStartColor Beginning gradient color in the top/left half of the scroll bar button when the mouse is over the button (default value is RGB(195,214,242)
clrUpperHoverEndColor Ending gradient color in the top/left half of the scroll bar button when the mouse is over the button (default value is RGB(183,210,244)
clrLowerHoverStartColor Beginning gradient color in the lower/right half of the scroll bar button when the mouse is over the button (default value is RGB(161,186,221)
clrLowerHoverEndColor Ending gradient color in the lower/right half of the scroll bar button when the mouse is over the button (default value is RGB(170,185,205)
clrHoverButtonBorderColor Background color of the button border when the mouse is over the button (default value is RGB(60,110,175)
clrButtonBorderColor Background color of the button border (default value is RGB(85,105,145)


The hover color is the color under the mouse pointer. The arrow color is the color of the scroll bar arrows. The upper color is the top/left half of the scroll bar buttons. The lower color is the lower/right half of the scroll bar buttons. Start refers to the beginning color in a gradient and end refers to the lower or ending color in the gradient. The start/beginning gradient applies from the top of the button to the middle and the end/lower gradient applies from the middle to the bottom of the button.

Normal is the regular state of the button and pushed is when the button has been pressed.

This method is called for the current sheet setting unless you first set the Sheet property to specify the sheet with which you want to work.

Return Type

True if successful; otherwise, False.

See Also

Customizing the Appearance

BackColor, ForeColor, Sheet properties

SetEnhancedCornerColors, SetEnhancedColumnHeaderColors methods

DLL Correspondence

SSSetEnhancedScrollBarColors function

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