Spread 8.0 Documentation
CFGetStringParam Method
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CFGetStringParam Method

See Also    Example

Applies To

fpSpread control


Returns a custom function's string parameter.



CString CSpreadSheet::CFGetStringParam (short Param);

Visual Basic

fpSpread.CFGetStringParam(ByVal Param As Integer) As String


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
Param Index of the string parameter to return

This method can only be used inside the CustomFunction event handler.

You must use the CFGetParamInfo method to check the parameter status and type before calling the CFGetStringParam method.

This method is called for the current sheet setting unless you first set the Sheet property to specify the sheet with which you want to work.


You cannot modify the string returned from this method. If necessary, your application should make a copy of the string and then modify it.

Return Type

Value of the specified parameter

See Also

Creating and Using Custom Functions

Sheet property

CustomFunction event

AddCustomFunction, AddCustomFunctionExt, CFGetCellParam, CFGetDoubleParam, CFGetDoubleParamExt, CFGetLongParam, CFGetParamInfo, CFGetRangeParam, CFSetResult, EnumCustomFunction, GetCustomFunction, RemoveCustomFunction methods

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