ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
C1.Data.SchemaObjects Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
C1.Data.2 Assembly : C1.Data.SchemaObjects Namespace
ClassBase class for all tables and table views.
ClassRepresents a connection to a generic ADO.NET data provider.
ClassRepresents a connection to a database, using Microsoft .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle, classes from namespace System.Data.OracleClient.
ClassRepresents an OLE DB connection to a database, using OLE DB Data Provider for .NET, classes from namespace System.Data.OleDb.
ClassRepresents a connection to a database, using Oracle Data Provider for .NET, classes from namespace Oracle.DataAccess.
ClassRepresents a connection to a database, using Data Provider for Microsoft SQL Server Compact, classes from namespace System.Data.SqlServerCe.
ClassRepresents a connection to a database, using SQL Server Data Provider for .NET, classes from namespace System.Data.SqlClient.
ClassThe CacheProperties class is used to specify global cache settings for a DataSetDef using the DataSetDef.CacheProperties property.
ClassRepresents an arc in a composite table definition diagram.
ClassRepresents a node in a composite table definition diagram.
ClassRepresents a relation between two tables one of which is composite.
ClassRepresents a composite table.
ClassRepresents a composite table definition diagram.
ClassRepresents a composite table field.
ClassBase class representing a database connection.
ClassRepresents a collection of Connection objects.
ClassContaining information necessary to access a generic .NET data provider.
ClassRepresents a data set definition.
ClassRepresents a collection of DataSetDef objects.
ClassRepresents a simple table.
ClassRepresents a simple table field.
ClassBase class for data set diagrams (DataSetDef) and composite table diagrams (CompositeTableDef).
ClassThe base class for TableField and TableViewField. Contains common field properties.
ClassContains various default settings used for fields accessed through a certain data set.
ClassRepresents an equality condition between a parent and a child field of a SimpleRelation.
ClassRepresents a collection of JoinCondition objects of a SimpleRelation.
ClassBase class for simple and composite relations.
ClassRepresents a collection of Relation objects.
ClassThe main class of the C1.Data.SchemaObjects namespace, representing a schema.
ClassRepresents a relation between two simple tables.
ClassBase class for simple tables.
ClassThis class contains represents various specifics of SQL syntax relevant to C1DataObjects that can vary between different databases.
ClassBase class for simple and composite tables.
ClassRepresents a collection of Table objects.
ClassThe base class for DbTableField and CompositeTableField.
ClassRepresents a collection of TableField objects.
ClassObjects of the TableView class represent nodes in a data set definition diagram.
ClassRepresents a collection of TableView objects.
ClassRepresents a table view field.
ClassRepresents a collection of TableViewField objects.
ClassRepresents a view relation, an arc in a Diagram.
ClassRepresents a collection of ViewRelation objects.
EnumerationSpecifies automatic assignment of field values on adding rows to a table and to the database.
EnumerationSpecifies the database engine software used to connect to the database.
EnumerationSpecifies how data is fetched from the database to a table view.
EnumerationSpecifies how a table is related to the database.
EnumerationSpecifies whether field value is set in the database.
EnumerationIndicates how autoincrement key value is retrieved for inserted row: before, after or in the same scope with the INSERT command. Used in the SqlDialectInfo.IdentityColumnRetrieveMode property of a connection.
EnumerationSpecifies the action applied to child rows when their parent key is modified or deleted.
EnumerationSpecifies the cardinality of a relation.
EnumerationSpecifies quotation rules for names in SQL statements.
EnumerationSpecifies general SQL syntax used by a database.
EnumerationSpecifies which field values participate in locating the database record for update.
EnumerationSpecifies how refresh after update is done.
EnumerationAn enumeration used in property values instead of the Boolean type where there is a default option (depending on the context) in addition to Yes (True) and No (False).
See Also


C1.Data.2 Assembly