ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
DataAccessModeEnum Enumeration

C1.Data.2 Assembly > C1.Data.SchemaObjects Namespace : DataAccessModeEnum Enumeration
Specifies how data is fetched from the database to a table view.
Public Enum DataAccessModeEnum 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum DataAccessModeEnum : System.Enum 
StaticAll data is pre-fetched when the data set is filled with data. No fetches occur until Fill method is called.
VirtualData is fetched in segments of limited size, and the number of segments cached at the client at any given time is limited, segments are uncached when this limit is exceeded.
VirtualAutomaticData is fetched in segments of limited size, and the number of segments in the cache is unlimited, segments are never uncached.
VirtualUnlimitedData is fetched in segments, and the number of segments in the cache is unlimited, and, in addition to that, fetch is continually performed in background mode until all data is fetched.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


C1.Data.SchemaObjects Namespace
Virtual Mode - Dealing with Large Datasets