ComponentOne DataObjects for .NET
IdentityColumnRetrieveModeEnum Enumeration

C1.Data.2 Assembly > C1.Data.SchemaObjects Namespace : IdentityColumnRetrieveModeEnum Enumeration
Indicates how autoincrement key value is retrieved for inserted row: before, after or in the same scope with the INSERT command. Used in the SqlDialectInfo.IdentityColumnRetrieveMode property of a connection.
Public Enum IdentityColumnRetrieveModeEnum 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum IdentityColumnRetrieveModeEnum : System.Enum 
AfterInsertCommandAutoincrement value is retrieved by a separate command after the INSERT command has been executed. This option is used with Microsoft Access and can be used with other databases.
BeforeInsertCommandAutoincrement key value is obtained (generated by a sequence/generator object) before executing the INSERT command. This option is used with Oracle, Interbase and other databases that support special database objects for generating autoincrement (identity) values. This option is used if there is no on INSERT trigger setting the autoincrement key value. If there is such trigger, the AfterInsertCommand option is used.
InInsertCommandAutoincrement key value retrieval is done by the same command that inserts the row. The generated command consists of two SQL commands separated by semicolon: first INSERT, then the identity retrieval command. This option is used with Sql Server and can be used with other databases. It is necessary to support the SCOPE_IDENTITY() function that is used for identity retrieval.
Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also


C1.Data.SchemaObjects Namespace
Key Assigned Automatically by Database
IdentityColumnLastValueSelect Property
IdentityColumnRetrieveMode Property