Wijmo UI for the Web
titleStyle Field
wijmo.chart Namespace > chart_legend Interface : titleStyle Field

A value that indicates the style of the legend title. The text for the title is set in the text attribute of the legend.

Default: {"font-weight": "bold", fill:"#000", stroke:"none"}

var instance; // Type: wijmo.chart.chart_legend;
var value; // Type: any
value = instance.titleStyle;
var titleStyle : any;


Note: Any style options set in the fallback textStyle option are used for any style options that are not set explicitly (or set by default) in this option.

The style object is defined in RaphaelJS, in the attr method’s parameters. Here is an external link to the documentation: http://raphaeljs.com/reference.html#Element.attr

See Also


chart_legend Interface


Style Options