Wijmo UI for the Web
GeoJson Features
Wijmo User Guide > Widgets > Maps > Features > Vector Layer > GeoJson Features

Wijmaps provides the abililty to add shapes on the maps using remote GeoJson files.  This feature allows you to import data from a local file and load data from external domains.

GeoJson features may include points enabling you to add addresses and locations, line-strings that can be used to represent streets, boundaries, polygons that let you mark political borders of countries and provinces and multi-part collections of these types.

For example, the following script local GeoJson format files to display maps.

Google Chrome browser doesn't support loading of local Json files.
Copy Code
<script id="scriptInit" type="text/javascript">
    require(["wijmo.wijmaps"], function () {
        $(document).ready(function () {
                center: { x: 0, y: 0 },
                zoom: 1,
                targetZoom: 1,
                layers: [{
                    type: "vector",
                    dataType: "geoJson",
                    data: "../Resources/countries.geo.json",
                    placemark: {
                        labelVisibility: "hidden"
                            type: "vector",
                            dataType: "geoJson",
                            data: "../Resources/us.geo.json",
                            placemark: {
                                labelVisibility: "hidden"
                            shapeCreated: function 
                               (e, d) {
                                d.shape.attr("fill", "#00F").attr("fill-opacity", 0.2);

