Spread.Sheets Documentation
Table type
Represents a table that can be added in a sheet.
var instance = new GC.Spread.Sheets.Tables.Table(name, row, col, rowCount, colCount, style, options);
function Table;
Inheritance Hierarchy


public ConstructorTable ConstructorRepresents a table that can be added in a sheet.  
public MethodautoGenerateColumnsGets or sets whether to generate columns automatically while binding to a data source.  
public MethodbandColumnsGets or sets a value that indicates whether to display an alternating column style.  
public MethodbandRowsGets or sets a value that indicates whether to display an alternating row style.  
public MethodbindColumnsBinds the columns using the specified data fields.  
public MethodbindingPathGets or sets the binding path for cell-level binding in the table.  
public MethoddataRangeGets the cell range for the table data area.  
public MethodfilterButtonVisibleGets or sets whether the table column's filter button is displayed.  
public MethodfooterIndexGets the footer index in the sheet.  
public MethodgetColumnFormulaGets the table footer formula with the specified index.  
public MethodgetColumnNameGets the table header text with the specified table index.  
public MethodgetColumnValueGets the table footer value with the specified index.  
public MethodheaderIndexGets the header index in the sheet.  
public MethodhighlightFirstColumnGets or sets a value that indicates whether to highlight the first column.  
public MethodhighlightLastColumnGets or sets a value that indicates whether to highlight the last column.  
public MethodnameGets or sets the table name.  
public MethodrangeGets the range for the entire table.  
public MethodrowFilterGets the row filter for the table.  
public MethodsetColumnDataFormulaSets a formula to the table's data range with the specified index.  
public MethodsetColumnFormulaSets the table footer formula with the specified index.  
public MethodsetColumnNameSets the table header text with the specified table index.  
public MethodsetColumnValueSets the table footer value with the specified index.  
public MethodshowFooterGets or sets a value that indicates whether to display a footer.  
public MethodshowHeaderGets or sets a value that indicates whether to display a header.  
public MethodstyleGets or sets a style for the table.  
See Also


GC.Spread.Sheets.Tables Namespace



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