GC.Spread.Sheets Namespace > Events type : FloatingObjectSelectionChanged Event |
var instance; // Type: Events instance.FloatingObjectSelectionChanged = function(sheet, sheetName, floatingObject) { };
FloatingObjectSelectionChanged = function ( sheet : Worksheet, sheetName : string, floatingObject : FloatingObject ) { };
var customFloatingObject = new GC.Spread.Sheets.FloatingObjects.FloatingObject("f1", 10, 10, 60, 64); var btn = document.createElement('button'); btn.style.width = "60px"; btn.style.height = "30px"; btn.innerText = "button"; customFloatingObject.content(btn); activeSheet.floatingObjects.add(customFloatingObject); // Use IE to see the console log text activeSheet.bind(GC.Spread.Sheets.Events.FloatingObjectSelectionChanged, function (e, info) { console.log("sheet name: " + info.sheetName); });