FarPoint.Win.Spread Assembly > FarPoint.Win.Spread Namespace : SpreadView Class |
For a list of all members of this type, see SpreadView members.
Name | Description | |
ActiveSheetIndex | Gets or sets the active sheet in the view. | |
AllowCellContentFloat | Gets or sets whether to allow the cell content to float. | |
AllowCellOverflow | Gets or sets whether data can overflow into adjacent empty cells in the view. | |
AllowColumnMove | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to move columns. | |
AllowColumnMoveMultiple | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to move multiple columns. | |
AllowDragDrop | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to drag and drop a range of cells in the view. | |
AllowDragFill | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to drag and fill cells with the contents of a cell or cells in the view. | |
AllowEditorReservedLocations | Gets or sets whether cell editor reserved mouse locations are allowed. | |
AllowEditOverflow | Gets or sets whether data can overflow into adjacent empty cells while edit mode is on in a cell in the view. | |
AllowRowMove | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to move rows. | |
AllowRowMoveDataAllowAddNew | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to allow moving the add new row or asterisk row. | |
AllowRowMoveMultiple | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to move multiple rows. | |
AllowSheetMove | Gets or sets whether sheets can be moved by dragging and dropping the sheet tab. | |
AllowUndo | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to undo edit operations. | |
AllowUserFormulas | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to enter formulas in a cell in the view. | |
AllowUserZoom | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to scale the view using the Ctrl key and the mouse wheel. | |
AutoClipboard | Gets or sets whether to allow shortcut keys for Clipboard actions in the view. | |
AutoFitColumnOptions | Gets or sets the behavior of automatic fit when double-clicking the right edge of the column header. | |
AutoFitRowOptions | Gets or sets the behavior of automatic fit when double-clicking the bottom edge of the row header. | |
AutoImeMode | Gets or sets whether to use the CharacterSet property on non-edit mode cells. | |
BorderCollapse | Gets or sets whether adjacent cell borders are collapsed into a single line in the view. | |
Bounds | Gets the size and location of the view. | |
ButtonDrawMode | Gets or sets whether to display buttons in button and combo box cells in the view. | |
CellNoteIndicatorRenderer | Gets or sets the cell note indicator renderer. | |
CellNoteIndicatorVisible | Gets or sets whether the cell note indicator appears in cells in the view. | |
CellSpanSelectionPolicy | Gets or sets the selection model to use when working with a span. | |
ClipboardOptions | Gets or sets whether headers and the filter bar are included with data in Clipboard actions in the view. | |
ClipboardPasteToFill | Gets or sets whether a single cell copied to the Clipboard fills the range when pasted from the Clipboard to the component. | |
ColumnSplitBoxAlignment | Gets or sets the alignment of the column split box relative to the horizontal scroll bar in the view. | |
ColumnSplitBoxPolicy | Gets or sets when to display the column split box in the view. | |
CustomFillSeriesList | Gets the custom list for drag fill in series mode. | |
DragFillDataOnly | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the drag fill action copies data only. | |
EditingControl | Gets the contol editing the active cell, or null if the control is not in edit mode. | |
EditMode | Gets or sets whether the active cell in the view is in edit mode. | |
EditModePermanent | Gets or sets whether edit mode remains on for any cell in the view when that cell becomes active. | |
EditModeReplace | Gets or sets whether the existing text in a cell in the view is selected when the cell enters edit mode. | |
ErrorIconRenderer | Gets or sets the renderer for the error icon. | |
FocusRenderer | Gets or sets a renderer for drawing the focus rectangle in the view. | |
HorizontalScrollBar | Gets the horizontal scroll bar. | |
HorizontalScrollBarHeight | Gets or sets the height of horizontal scroll bars in the view. | |
HorizontalScrollBarPolicy | Gets or sets when to display the horizontal scroll bars in the view. | |
HorizontalScrollBarSmallChange | Gets or sets the small increment for the horizontal scrollbar. | |
InterfaceRenderer | Gets or sets the interface renderer. | |
LeftTab | Gets or sets the left most sheet tab in the tab strip in the view. | |
MoveActiveOnFocus | Gets or sets whether the location of the active cell in the view moves when the user moves the focus to the view using the mouse. | |
Owner | Gets the FpSpread object that owns this view. | |
Parent | Gets the parent (SpreadView object) of the view. | |
RangeDragFillMode | Gets or sets the mode the user can use to drag and fill cells in the component using the contents of a cell or cells. | |
RetainSelectionBlock | Gets or sets whether the selected range of cells in the view remains highlighted when the view loses the focus. | |
RowSplitBoxAlignment | Gets or set the alignment of the row split box relative to the vertical scroll bar in the view. | |
RowSplitBoxPolicy | Gets or sets when to display the row split box in the view. | |
ScrollBarMaxAlign | Gets or sets the scroll bar alignment with the last row and column of the spreadsheet in the view. | |
ScrollBarShowMax | Gets or sets whether the user can use the scroll box to scroll through all the columns and rows in the view, or just a limited number of them. | |
ScrollBarTrackPolicy | Gets or sets how the control scrolls the sheet when the user moves the scroll box. | |
ScrollTipPolicy | Gets or sets whether scroll tips appear when the user moves the scroll box. | |
SelectionBlockOptions | Gets or sets which types of selections the user can make in the view. | |
SelectionRenderer | Gets or sets a renderer for drawing selections in the view. | |
Sheets | Gets the sheets in the view. | |
ShowCellErrors | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to display a cell error using an icon or sticky note for cells in the view. | |
ShowDragBandOnMoving | Gets or sets whether the drag band is displayed when moving a row or column. | |
ShowRowErrors | Gets or sets whether to allow the user to display a row error using an icon or sticky note for cells in the view. | |
Skin | Gets or sets the skin for the spread. | |
SpreadScaleMode | Gets or sets whether Spread controls automatic scaling with a different system dpi; Spread only supports one dimension so the application should use AutoScaleMode.Dpi for correct scaling, or else scale using the application width. | |
SuspendAnimations | Gets or sets whether animations, such as an animated focus renderer, in the view are suspended. | |
TabStripInsertTab | Gets or sets whether the special insert tab is present on the tab strip. | |
TabStripInsertTabImage | Gets or sets the tabstrip insert-tab image. | |
TabStripPlacement | Gets or sets the location of the tab strip in the view. | |
TabStripPolicy | Gets or sets the display policy for the tab strip in the view. | |
TabStripRatio | Gets or sets the width of the tab strip in the view expressed as a percentage of the overall horizontal width of the control. | |
TextTipAppearance | Gets or sets the appearance of text tips in the view. | |
TextTipDelay | Gets or sets the time (in milliseconds) the control waits before displaying the text tip for the cell or header under the pointer in the view. | |
TextTipPolicy | Gets or sets whether to display text tips and the location of the tips in the view. | |
UndoManager | Gets or sets the undo manager for the SpreadView. | |
VerticalScrollBar | Gets the vertical scroll bar. | |
VerticalScrollBarPolicy | Gets or sets when to display the vertical scroll bars in the view. | |
VerticalScrollBarSmallChange | Gets or sets the small increment for the vertical scrollbar. | |
VerticalScrollBarWidth | Gets or sets the width of vertical scroll bars in the view. | |
VisualStyles | Gets or sets whether to use visual styles when rendering objects in the control. |
SpreadView Class
FarPoint.Win.Spread Namespace
FpSpread Class
SheetView Class
Customizing Viewports
Working with Hierarchical Data Display