Spread 8.0 Documentation
SwapRange Method
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SwapRange Method

See Also    DLL    Example

Applies To

fpSpread control


Swaps the data and formatting in a block of cells with another block of cells in the sheet.



void CSpreadSheet::SwapRange(long lCol, long lRow, long lCol2, long lRow2, long lColDest, long lRowDest);

Visual Basic

fpSpread1.SwapRange(ByVal lCol As Long, ByVal lRow As Long, ByVal lCol2 As Long, ByVal lRow2 As Long, ByVal lColDest As Long, ByVal lRowDest As Long)


The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
lCol Column number of top-left cell in block to swap
lRow Row number of top-left cell in block to swap
lCol2 Column number of bottom-right cell in block to swap
lRow2 Row number of bottom-right cell in block to swap
lColDest Destination column for upper-left cell in block
lRowDest Destination row for upper-left cell in block


The destination column and row indicate the upper-left cell of the destination block. The contents of the destination block cells are swapped with the original block of cells' contents. Destination cells that overlap the original block of cells are handled as described in Swapping Data.

This method is called for the current sheet setting unless you first set the Sheet property to specify the sheet with which you want to work.

Cell-related information (for example, text, font, background color, text color, and cell type) is stored in one of four locations.

When applied to a block of cells, the SwapRange method works with only the information in the cell itself. If you set the Col or Row parameter to –1 to write data, no information is stored in the cell itself and the SwapRange method is ignored. For more information, see Precedence of Settings.

Return Type


See Also

Swapping Data

Sheet property

ClearRange, CopyRange, MoveRange, SwapColRange, SwapRowRange methods

DLL Correspondence

SSSwapRange function

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