GrapeCity MultiRow Windows Forms Documentation
Template Structure

A template consists of a number of regions. Each region refers to the corresponding section on the grid.

Template Structure


Column Header Section is the region that is fixed at the top of the grid at runtime. It is used for creating column headers and filter rows. Multiple column headers can be added to the grid and they can be displayed or hidden at runtime. For example, you can create separate column headers for display, printing, and toggling between them. A maximum of 3000 column header sections can be added to one template. The developer can make the cell value of the column header section editable for users, but this feature has been disabled by default for the purpose of maintaining compatibility.


Row is the region which is rendered recursively at runtime depending on the number of records in a grid. When the grid is connected to a database with 300 records, row is rendered 300 times. The developer can place cells in rows as required but the control still operates as a simple one row one record grid even when a complex tabular structure is created. The row layout cannot be the same as the column header section. One template can only have one type of row display.


Column Footer Section is the region that is fixed at the bottom of the grid at runtime. Any cell can be placed in this section to display grid information at the bottom of the screen (similar to the column header section). Multiple column footer sections can be added to the grid. A maximum of 3000 column footer sections can be added to one template. A developer can make the cell value of the column footer section editable for users, but this feature has been disabled by default for maintaining compatibility.


The column header section and column or row footer sections are all inherited from the common Section class; therefore, many of their properties are also similar. You can use the Section class for common implementation in these three sections.

Section and its Inherited Classes  

See Also



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