MVC5 Classic
wijcalendar Step 3 of 3: Running the Project

In this step you will run the application and observe the following calendar behaviors from the options you set in the previous step:

  1. Press F5 to run the application.
  2. Hover over the indicators on either side of the control to preview the next or previous calendar months.

  3. Click on the Quick Next button to jump 6 calendar months ahead:

    Notice the abbreviated calendar month and year is displayed on the calendar title since you changed the default title format using the titleFormat option.

  4. Click on the next or previous arrow to navigate to another calendar month and notice the calendar bounces in as it slides in and bounces out as it slides out.

    You applied animation to the wijcalendar control by setting an effect for the easing option and a duration for how long in miliseconds the animation lasts.

    Notice the above calendar displays a specific range of dates from January 16, 2012 to January 25, 2012 since you set the minDate and maxDate options.



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