ComponentOne Menu for ASP.NET AJAX: Design-Time Support > C1Menu Designer Form > C1Menu Designer Form Toolbar

C1Menu Designer Form Toolbar

Using the C1Menu Designer Form you can add and manipulate LinkItem, Header, Group, and Separator elements. The C1Menu Designer Form toolbar looks the following image:



Note that if an option is not available for the particular item selected in the left Edit pane, that option will appear grayed out. The following table describes the function of each item in the C1Menu Designer Form toolbar.





Move Item Up

Moves the current item up in the item order (so the second first-level item, would become the first first-level item).

Move Item Down

Moves the current item down (so the first first-level item, would become the second first-level item).

Move Item Left

Moves the current item up a level (so a second-level child item would move up to become a first-level item).

Move Item Right

Moves the current item down a level (so a first-level item would move down to become a second-level child item).

Insert Child Item

Inserts a child item under the current item. Choices include the LinkItem (), Header (), Group (), and Separator () elements.

Insert Item

Inserts a new item in the menu. Choices include the LinkItem (), Header (), Group (), and Separator () elements.


Cuts the currently selected item.


Copies the currently selected item.


Pastes a cut or copied item to the selected location.


Deletes the currently selected item.

Change to Type

Changes the current item to an item of a different type. Choices include the LinkItem (), Header (), Group (), and Separator () elements.

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